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Written by: NightInVioletArmor

I'm now walking at the shore, feeling the cold breeze touching me, listening to the music of the waves, and sniffing the saltiness of the sea. The great sun is up, rising from his deep slumber. Yeah, it's dawn but I assure you this is the best silence of all time.

While walking, I stopped seeing an old woman walking towards the sea, looking down with depressing and pain aura. At first, it looks like she'll take a bath or swim at the sea but the more intriguing is, the old woman is soaked in tears. I wonder why..

I'm about to approach the woman and ask her but I seem pinned at my spot. I couldn't move so I watched the old woman. Her mumbles turned cries, as she is like yelling her pain.

"I'm tired, I'm done, it's my time to be with him.. wait me, my love!" That's she said as she slowly sank onto the water. It's too late for me to realize that she's commiting a suicide! I did my best to step forward and save the old woman from commiting a sin.

I did succeed from moving my feet, I rushed on the water and grabs the arm of the woman. But she vanished after I tried to grip her. My eyes widen in shockness. The next thing I knew is I'm the one who's at the underwater. I'm the one who's drowning!

I tried to swim up but my gaze caught something. It's the woman earlier! Im about to reach her but a fish- no a human- an old merman rushed to her in just blink of an eye. He hugged the old woman tightly and kisses her forehead

"I am now here, my love.." that's I heard from him as they slowly disappeared after a big waves slammed me deeper from the surface. I blink my eyes as my mouth gaped in awe. In sudden realization, I just realized that..

That old woman is me, I committed suicide just to be with my beloved merman. But..

But unlike what I saw earlier, he never appeared nor save me after I committed a sin. He never came, I just imagining that he's there, saving me from drowning. I died loving a merman who's married to someone who's his kind. I died loving that merman knowing I have no chance to be with him nor loving me back.

Maybe this is really my fate. How cruel of you fate, but I still thanking you for letting me happy even in just short period of time and letting me meet my greatest love even he didn't love me back

Thank you for making a great twist at my boring life.. fate

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