Blog #2

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"Blog #2"

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

So I'm on the boat earlier morning. My phone is turning low so I have no choice but to turn it off. I clasped my hands and hugged my plushie while staring at the darkness

It was so dark and couldn't see nothing but the stars and the light of the boat. The sea is calm as the waves are crashing at our boat. So peaceful, so silent, so calming.

While staring at the stars and listening at the sound of the sea. It made me wonder

"Why do people left and we begged them to stay yet no one begs when we are the one who'll leave?"

I chuckled bitterly remembering the reason why

"Because no one cared for us.."

No one will and no one does, that's normal, ain't it? Like how the time flies, they'll forget about us. Be with new people that they called 'friends' but we.. we are just claimed to be 'strangers' nothing more, nothing less

This is reality. It hurt isn't? Want to end in isn't? But no.. you can't escape from the hurtful truth. Bear with it until your very last breath

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