My favorite friend

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"My favorite friend"

Written by: NightInVioletAmor

I went to my room and went straightly to my balcony,

Looked up in the starry sky.

The stars are sparkling in every corner of my eyes 

I remember something, I smiled sadly.

I missed how the cold breeze touching me, 

How I watch this scenery every night and,

Stargaze with my favorite friend.

I looked around as I wished he was here with me,

But I see no one.

I sighed, as I looked at the night sky again.

He was my favorite friend. Why? Because he was there to comfort me when I'm sad,

He was there when I need a listener,

He was there when I need shoulder to cry on..

He always there for me even we only meet at every night..

He was my light at my darkness world,

He was my only true friend,

My one and only favorite friend.

A lone tear escaped in my eyes as I wiped it and smile sadly,

"Where are you Moon? I missed stargazing with you.."

Yes, the friend who always listened to me,  

The friend who comforted me,

The friend who lend me his shoulder to cry on,

 The friend who always there for me, 

The friend who gave light to my dark world, 

My only true friend.. 

My one and only true friend is..


I was about to leave my balcony when the clouds moving away quickly, 

A light escape from it.

I smiled at what I saw.

It was my favorite friend Moon,

 hiding behind those clouds

"How sneaky of you Moon, Hiding at me again" 

I smiled at him as I sat back and looked at the night sky,

With him this time.

"Let's stargaze Moon"

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