Coming back

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"Coming back"

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

I am now walking alone in the seaside, following the glowing sun rays of the setting sun. Many years passed, and I myself getting lifeless every day

I found a food stall nearby as I approach it and buy my food, I took out my wallet out of my pocket as a photo slowly falling down in the sand

I picked up the photo as the memories comes to my mind, the memories of us together

I put the photo back to my wallet as I wipes my tear away, I smiled remembering you and our happy, sad, funny, dark moments

I looked up in the sky and follows the light of the sun, who is now kissing the sea. I took a deep breath and shout

"THIS TIME, I'M COMING BACK! WAIT FOR ME! WE GONNA MAKE OUR NEW MEMORIES TOGETHER!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I smiled after I yelled

Yes.. this time, we gonna make our new memories and leave our past behind. Because us twins should be together and never separated

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