I will write

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"I will write"

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

My own journey, my own battles

Book is my weapon that makes you rattle

Pen is what I use to write

But I also can stab this thing at you with all I might

Authors inspired me to write 

My dream plotted my stories alright

All I have to do is to write it all down

But mood and time is pulling me around

Tho even at least, I'll writeI'll write till my pen bleed

I'll write to express my feelings

I'll write so speak my unsaid words

I'll write so this thoughts sweeps away

I love my works, I love my characters

I'll keep writing even though no one's gonna read

I'll keep writing in what genre i'm lead

I'll keep writing for my own satisfaction 

I'll keep writing because this is my passion

I'll keep writing to remind myself that I gone too far to back out. 

This is just the start of my journey in writing my story

I will write

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