chapter 4 blackout days

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-a couple of days later-
"How are you feeling today?" Em asked. "Like I wanna die in a hole, I need a drink." "I was told never to let you drink again." She said. "I only said that because I don't like the way I feel when I'm throwing up and the hangover I feel in the morning, but in the moment I'm drinking, I feel good." She said. "And you wanna feel that sickness again?" Em asks. "Well, I don't like feeling like this, and drinking takes the pain away." She said. "But in the end, we still feel like crap." Em said. "It's all about the heart of the moment, em."She said. "OK, Lia, but I warned you and in advance tried to stop you." She said. Lia grabs a beer out of the fridge.

-a couple of hours later, a couple more drinks-
"We need some music." Lia said drunk. She turns on the radio. She danced around and pulled Emily. "Dance with me, Em." She said. "No, no, im good, lia." Em says. "Come on em." Lia said. "No lia." Em said. "OK, fine!" She said, then kept dancing. "Be careful!" Em said. Lia tripped over the carpet and fell on her face. "Woah Lia, ok enough of all this, let's get you in bed." Em said. She picks up Lia and takes her to her bed. "Here you go, rest up." Em said, and Lia fell asleep. "I seriously wish you wouldn't do this every day." Em whispers. "I just hope you get better." She also says.

-The next morning-
Amelia is in the bathroom, throwing up. Emily comes in. "What happened to, don't let me drink? I don't think my body can handle alcohol. It just keeps me throwing it up every day." Lia said. "I tried to tell you not to drink, but you don't listen." She said. "OK, I know, it just helps me not think about him." She said. "I know, but your body can't handle all the alcohol." Em said. "I can see that, I need coffee." She said. They go to the kitchen and get some coffee and food.

-a couple hours later-
Lia is lying in bed. "Girl, you have to get up and do something." Em says as she walks into the room. "Like, go to a club cause I'm down for that!" Lia said. "No lia, something that doesn't involve alcohol." She said. "That's lame." Lia said. "Well, do you wanna be throwing your guts up?" She said. "Not really." Lia sighs. "Let's go out and take a walk or something. You haven't been out of this house in days." Em said. "That's because everything reminds me of him, and I can't deal with it." She said. "How about we deal with it together?" Em said. "Ok." Lia said. Lia changes, and they go out.

"How about you tell me things that remind you of him or tell me things about him." Em said. "Well, that bench reminds me of him. On one of our dates, there was an ice cream truck, and he bought us both some ice cream and sat on that bench to enjoy it." Lia said. "That's cute." Em said. "I know he was a total romantic." Lia said. They walk for a couple of hours, Lia telling Emily all about Noah. Until Lia gets hungry. They go into a small café. "Thus place reminds me of him too. We came here all the time." She said. "Well, let's just get some food and go home." Em said. They get their food and go home to eat.

-an hour later-
"OK, I should get some work done. After all, I own a business." Em said. "OK, get to it, I'll just get some sleep, im feeling run down." Lia said. Em goes to her office.

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