chapter 15 unexpected

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-a month later- september 25
Lia has been working. Little working gigs here and there to get some money. She comes home from one of her gigs and Emily just finished making lunch, she sets the table and they eat. "So why are you taking on all these little jobs, you know you're a month away from your due date and the doctor said not to stress." Emily said. "Emily, I'm fine, I wanna pick my life back up, get an appartment, a full time job, for my baby." Lia said. "That's great, but you know that you can stay here with the baby in the nursery, this could be a safe place for my god baby." Emily said. "Your God baby? Lia said. "I'm sorry, is that role for someone else, I didn't mean to over step." Em frowned. "No Emily chill, that sounds perfect and by the way, I was going to tell you soon that, I want you to be the god mother." Lia said. Emily smiled and hugs her.

"But I'm still going to try to get a full time job, I want to be able to provide for my child, not let someone provide for us. That not me." Lia said. "I get it, I hated living under my moms roof and rules, so I created my own. But you should wait until after the baby is born to get a full time job." Emily said. "Ok Emily." Lia said. They finished their food and got ready for bed. Lia was getting pains in her stomach, she doesn't think anything of it except maybe her stomach was full with all the food she ate, and she went to bed.

-the next day-
Lia wakes up late. She goes to the kitchen where Emily is. "It's 2pm, why didn't  you wake me?" Lia asked. "Well, you looked like you needed sleep." Em said. "Well, I have a job to get to in like 30 minutes." Lia said. "I'm sorry but you really need to take it easy." Em said. "I know, I am, relax it's just babysitting taday." Lia said. "Well, that shouldn't be that bad, just don't stress about anything." Em said. "Ok, I won't, mom." Lia smiled. Emily gives her a snarky look. "I gotta get ready." Lia said.

She gets ready and goes to the house. "Here's my number, if you need anything, and this is where I'll be." The mother said and gave her a card. "Their in good hands, I promise." Lia said. The woman looks at Jacob, her son. "And, don't kick the babysitter, she's carrying precious cargo." She said. "Fine." He said. "He's 9, and my other baby boy is taking a nap, he is 7 months, after he is done napping, he need to eat." The mother said. "Ok." Lia said. "K, so I gotta go, oh and Jacob is allergic to nuts, extremely." She said and left.

-an hour later-
"Please chill out Jacob." Lia said. He keeps runing around. "I wanna go, I wanna go." Jacob keeps whinning. "Well your mom said no." Lia said. The baby, kayden, was crying loudly. "Sh, baby." She picks him up. Jacob keeps runing around and whinning. The baby falls alseep and she puts him down. "Ow, OW!" Lia screams and falls to the floor. Jacob runs to her. "Are you ok?" He asked. "No, call your mom." She said. He grabs the phone and calls his mom.

"Here, she wants to talk to you." He said. They talk and the mom comes home. Lia calls Emily to come pick her up. "I'm sorry." Lia groaned. "It's ok, your baby's health is more important." The mother said.

-at the hospital-
"What wrong? Lia asked. "Well you are having contractions, the baby is coming. You are 4cm dilated, so you have to stay in the hospital and the baby will be ready to come in like 8-10 hours. You will be monitored." The doctor said. "Oh wow, it's to early, she's supposed to come next month." Lia said. "Well thats the thing with babies, you never know when they'll come." The doctor said.

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