chapter 23 Hazel's in the Hospital

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They get to the hospital. Lia runs to Mrs. Parker. "Is my baby ok? What happened?" Lia asked. "I was holding her, and she was wobbling a lot and flung out of my arms." Mrs. Parker said. "Omg, is she ok?" Lia asked. "She's getting stitches on her forehead." She said. "Oh, my baby, and if you were wondering. I don't blame you, and I will never hold this against you. Thank you for taking care of her." Lia said. "You're welcome, and thank you. I feel so guilty." Mrs. Parker said. "You're so good. I don't blame you, I'm just glad she is ok." Lia said. "Me too." Mrs. Parker said.

"Are you Hazels mom?" The doctor asked Mrs. Parker. "No, that's me. Please tell me what's going on." Lia said. "Ok, she has a couple of stitches on her forehead, and her arm is fractured, so she has to wear a sling, we already put on her." The doctor said. "Can I see her?" She asked. "Of course, she is in there." The doctor said. Lia walked into the room and picked her up. "Oh my baby." Lia said. Hazel started giggling. "Wow, that's the first time you laughed, I'm so glad you're ok." Lia said. Hazel smiled.

Em and Sophie walked in. "May I take her?" Em asked. "Of course, please be careful with her arm." Lia said. "Alright." Em said and took Hazel. "I'll take her next." Soph said. "Ok, that's fine." Lia said. They were in the hospital for a while until she got discharged at 12AM.

They got home. "I need sleep. This day went from good to bad in less than an hour." Lia said and put her sleeping baby in her crib and changed for bed.

-the next morning, at 7AM-
Lia woke up with a hangover, Hazel was crying, so Lia got up and went to the nursery. "How's my little girl doing?" Lia said as she carefully picked her up. "Hungry?" She said and sat on the rocking chair to feed her. Emily came in. "How is she?" "She's fragile, but she is ok, back to her happy self." Lia said. "Good, I'm going to make breakfast." Em said. "Ok, I'll be down in a few minutes." She said. "Ok." Em said and left.

-A couple minutes later-
Lia came down with Hazel and put her in her swing. She sits at the table, and Em has coffee ready for her. "Thank you, I have a major hangover." Lia said. "Me too." She said, and they sit to eat breakfast.

-2 hours later-
Sophie came downstairs. "You're awake, finally." Lia said. "Yeah, that was my first time going to a club, and I have a big hangover." She said. "Yeah, don't tell anyone you went to a club. You're under age, and I don't want to get in trouble." Lia said. "Ok, can I get advil or something?" She asked. "Of course." Lia said and gave her medicine and a cup of coffee. "Thank you." She said. "Yep, I know how it feels. Tbh, after Noah died, I had a hangover every morning until I found out I was pregnant." Lia said. "I'm so sorry." Sophie said. "That's ok." She said. "So, how is my niece?" She asked. "She's good and getting better." Lia said. "That's good." "Yeah."

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