chapter 12 lia's nightmare

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-two days later, july 4-
They were watching the fireworks and having fun on the 4th of july.

-a couple hours later-
It is 8pm and lia, Emily and Garrett were watching the fireworks. Lia got up to try to use the bathroom, but then blood starts running down het leg. Lia reached her hand down slowly to her thigh and wiped it with her finger and pulled her hand back up to her face. "Are you ok lia?" Emily asked. Lia just stood there in shock for a second. Emily stood up. "Im bleeding." Lia said. "Are you ok, what happened?" Em asked. "I dont know, I stood up and felt a sharp pain in my stomach and down and saw blood coming from, you know." Lia said. "We should go to the hospital." Em said. "Im scared, what if something happened to the baby?" Lia said and started to tear up. " lia, lets just go to the hospital." Em said.

-a moment later-
They are in the hospital with the doctor. "I'm sorry, miss james, the baby is gone." The doctor said. Lia just cried.

Lia woke up all sweaty and out of breath. "NO!" Lia screamed. Emily ran in the room. "What's wrong, are you ok?" Em asked. "No, I had the worst nightmare ever." Lia said and took a deep breath. "What was it about?" Em asked. "I had a dream that my baby died, it was the worst feeling in my life and I feel like it's a sign, like something is going to happen to her." Lia said. "Calm down, nothing is going to happen to her, she's fine, it was just a dream." Em said. "I dont know, I wanna check, please, we need to check if she is ok." Lia spiraled. "Ok, we'll go, if that will calm you down." Em said.

-A couple hours later-
They are in the hospital with the doctor, just like in her dream. The doctor pit the probe on her belly and moved it around. "You hear that?" The doctor said. Lia and emily were confused. "That is the sound of a healthy heartbeat, she will be fine." The doctor said. "Thank you." Lia said. "See lia, the baby is fine." Em said. They left the hospital.

-at home-
Emily and lia got some food and ate. "If you have another nightmare, remember, its just a dream, ok don't think about it." Em said. Lia rubbed her belly. "I'm just scared." Lia said. "Dont worry, notjing will happen to your little angel." Em said. "I know, thank you em." Lia said. "Oh, she's kicking really hard!" Lia said in a little gasp. "Can i feel?" Em asked. "Its really sweet of you to ask, but you know you don't need to ask." Lia said and emily puts her hands on lia's stomach. "Wow, she feels like she had a lot of sugar, she is bouncing off the walls." Em said and they laugh.

-a couple hours later-
Lia goes to bed. "Hey baby, what's up?" Lia said. "I wanna go to da park mama." Her daughter said. "Ok, lets go." Lia said. They go to the park and lia's daughter plays for a little while. "It's time for us to go baby." Lia said. "Mommy, can I play for a little longer?" She asked. "We can't baby, mommy needs to get home and make dinner." Lia said. "Ok, mommy." She said and runs into the street. "Baby, no!" And then she gets hit by a car. Lia wakes up breathing heavy. She gets out of bed and walks to the kitchen to get water. She walks in and Emily is sitting at the table. "Oh, em, you scared the shit out of me." Lia said. "I'm sorry, what are you doing up so late?" Em asked. "I had a nightmare, and I needed water." Lia said. "Wow, was it the same as the last one?" Emily asked. "No, it showed me, what I have been denying." Lia said. "What is that?" Emily asked. "I'm not going to be a good mother." Lia said. "Amelia, that's not true, you're going to be a great mother." Em said. "Im scared, I'm scared that I'll do something wrong, like she will resent me for something that I'll do on accident, or she will hate me for her father not being around, I can't deal with any of the guilt." Lia said. "Lia, you're not guilty of anything, your baby will love you for who you are, and as far as her father, I will make sure she never blames you for that because, it definitely was not your fault." Em said. Lia hugged Emily. "I dont know what I would do without you." Lia said. "Hey, what are friends for." Em said and lia smiled.

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