chapter 14 Emily's birthday

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-the next day-
It's Emily's birthday and lia hasn't seen her since their fight but lia is still going through with her plan for Em's birthday.

Lia makes a cake and Emily's favorite meal. She puts up a bunch of decorations.

-a couple hours later-
Some of their friends come over and brought some gifts. Lia texts Emily to please come home and that she is sorry and shouldn't meddle in her love life, but she was trying to do the right thing. 30 minutes later Em texts back and tells her, she did the right thing and she will be home shortly. "Ok everyone she will be home soon, so find your positions." Lia said.

A couple minutes later. Em grabs her keys and unlocks the door. She walks in and there are no lights on. "Lia! I'm home." She said and turned on the lights. "Suprise!" Everyone shouted. Lia comes from behind the island and walked over to Emily. "I'm sorry, I had to." Lia said. "I should've known." Em said and lia hugged her. "I'm so sorry, I hate when we fight." She said. "I'm the one who should be sorry." Em said. "Why?" Lia asked. "Because you were right." Em said. "What!" Lia said. "Yeah, I went to his appartment yesterday and saw him in bed with some woman and they were definitely doing it." Em said. "OMG, Emily, I'm sorry." Lia said. "You know what, I'm not going to be sad about him anymore. I'm going to get changed into a sexy outfit and then we are going to turn up this party." Em said. "Ok, em." Lia said and Emily went to go change.

She came back in a sexy dress. "You look beautiful, Em." Lia said. "Thank you, now lets get this party started." She said and turned on the music and blasted the volume. She goes to the kitchen and pours herself a drink. "Anyone else want a drink, you are welcome to come get some." Em said.

Em pulls lia in to dance and they all dance for hours. "Well, guess what." Lia said. "What, lia?" Em asked. "I finally figured out a gift for you for your birthday." Lia said. "Ok, what is it?" Em asked. "Well, you will find out in a couple months, when it comes." Lia said. "O..k, mysterious." Em said and they laugh.

An hour later. Everyone is drinking, except lia. Everyone is dancing also. Then all of a sudden lia faints. "OMG. Lia are you ok, lia!" Em said and freaks out. Someone calls 911.

A couple minutes later the ambulance gets there and put lia in the ambulance. Em gets in with her and they get to the hospital.

-an hour later-
"So doc, what caused her to faint?" Em asked. "It was caused by alot of stress." The doctor said. "Will the baby be ok?" Lia asked. "Yes, she will be fine, just don't do anything else that will cause anymore stress, because it is bad for the baby." The doctor said. "Ok, thank you." Lia said. "But, we have to monitor the baby over night." The doctor said and left the room. "I'm sorry for ruining your birthday party." Lia said. "No, you have nothing to apologize for, but I do, I'm really sorry for our fight and for worrying you and not coming home last night." Em said. "I love you Emily." Lia said and Emily hugged her. "This was the best birthday ever. I love you too." Em said.

590 words not including this
I know this is shorter than my onther parts. Comments are appreciated.

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