chapter 16 the baby is here!

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-the next day, 9am september 27-
Emily comes in. "May I see my god baby?" She asked. "Of course, she is in there." Lia pointed. Emily looked. "No she's not." She said. "Maybe one of the nurses took her." Lia said. "Are they allowed to do that without letting you know?" Em asked. "I dont know." Lia said.

-a couple minutes later-
The nurse comes in. "Im here to do a checkup on the baby." She said. "I thought you guys took her, when i was sleep." Lia said. "No, we didn't, i dont think we are even allowed to do that." The nurse said. "Then WHERE IS MY BABY!?" Lia shouted. "I dont know, i will check the security camera's, just stay calm." The nurse said. "How am I supposed to STAY CALM, when some maniac has my baby?" Lia freaks out. The Nurse leaves to check the camera's. She comes back.

"Does this girl look familiar to you?" The nurse asked. "OMG, thats the girl that garrett was cheating on me with." Emily said. "Also the girl I saw in the hospital with Garrett one month ago." Lia said. "Ok, well if we pull up the camera in the parking garage, we can see her getting into this car which,  we will contact the police and track the location of the car." The Nurse said and left to call the police. "Why did they take my baby? I can't stop thinking of all the things they could be doing to her!" Lia said freaking out. "Lia calm down, the police will handle it." Em said and grabbed lia's hands. Lia takes a breath.

The Nurse came back in. "The police have a lead on the car at this location, and they are going there right now." She said. "That's great, I'm going!" Lia said. "You can't, you have to stay in bed and rest, the cops are handling it." The Nurse said. "That's my baby and I'm going to get her, you can't talk me out of it." Lia said and took Emily's keys out of her hand.

She got to the location and the cops were there with the girl in handcuffs. "Why am I getting handcuffed?" The woman said. "Because you kidnapped a child." The cop answered. "No I didn't, I-" Lia cut her off. "Where is my baby?" She said and ran inside to find her. She runs in each room. When she went in the last room, it was a nursery, but the wall was blue and adam was written on the wall in big letters. She looked in the blue and green colored crib and there was her beautiful baby girl. "Hi baby, there you are, I was so worried, I love you so much." She said with tears in her eyes. She picks her up and goes back out to the cops.

"You kidnapped her baby." The cops say. "No I didn't, that's my baby!" The woman said. "Well we have security camera video's of you taking the baby." The cop said. "And you also have boy things in your nursery and the name Adam with big letters on the wall, when clearly my baby is a girl." Lia said. "Well... well... fine, I just wanted my baby adam." She starts to cry. "He left me so soon, i wasn't even 5 months yet, and the doctors said I cant have kids, and I just wanted my baby Adam." She cries. "Well that doesn't give you the right to steal my baby girl." Lia said. "I'm sorry." The woman said. "Ma'am, you're going to jail for a long time." The cop said. Emily comes running up. "Omg, hey baby girl, you're ok!" She said out of breath. "Emily are you ok?" Lia asked. "Yes, I just ran 5 miles to get here, since you took my car." Em said. Lia walks up to the woman and slaps her. "That's for stealing my baby!" She said. Lia thanks the cops. Emily and lia go back to the hospital.

676 words not including this
no one is really reading this book, but i am going to continue writing and hopefully make a new partto each of my stories. Ive just been busy.

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