chapter 21 sister, sister

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-3 days later- 7AM
Someone bangs on the door. Emily answers the door. "Hi Emy!" She said and gave her a big hug. "Omg, sophie! What are you doing here?" Em asked. "I came to see my big sister and my niece." Sophie said. "I think she is still sleeping. Let me show you to her room." Em said. She leads her to lia's room. "Hm, she's not in here." Sophie said. "She's probably in the nursery." Em said. They walk across the hall to the nursery.

"OMG, hey sister, sister!" Sophie said in excitement. "Oh, hey, sophie." Lia said in a sigh. "What's wrong, sis?" Sophie asked. "Are you here to steal my baby as well?" Lia asked. "What! That's crazy, I'm almost 19, and I'm not ready to have a kid." Sophie said. "Oh, that's great. Wait, didn't mom call you?" Lia asked. "Yeah, she has this crazy idea that we could raise her together, but I told her that I had no time in my schedule for a baby, and I would never do that to you. She did not like that and said that she didn't need me." Sophie said. "Well, I'm going to fight for my baby, no matter what." Lia said. "Definitely, and I'm going to be by your side, helping you." Sophie said. "Thanks, sis." She said. "Of course, now can I see my niece?" Sophie said. "Yeah, here is Hazel Emily Parker." Lia said and gave Sophie the baby. "Omg, I love her name!" Sophie said. "Thank you." Lia said.

"I'm really sorry about Noah, I know how much you loved him." Sophie said. Lia frowned as she mentioned him. "It's OK, Sophie, but can we change the subject?" Lia said. "Ok, did mom really try to take Hazel right out of your arms?" Sophie asked. "Yeah, that whole conversation was crazy. She is crazy." Lia laughed. "Omg, I can't believe she thinks I would be a better mom than you, you literally took care of me my whole life, I don't remember a time she even did anything for me." Sophie said. "I know, I told her that, and she got all defensive, saying she did everything she could for us, being a single mother." Lia said.

"What all she did was leave us to fend for ourselves. She never even gave us money, so how was that even helping." Sophie said. "Yes, I had to get a job at 13 to support us and pay the bills and keep food on the table, I couldn't go out with friends and be a kid." Lia said. "I'm so sorry, Lia. I had no idea." Sophie said. "It's OK, I didn't tell you, because I didn't want you to worry." Lia said. Sophie hugs Lia.

Hazel starts to cry. "It's her feeding time." Lia said. "Can I feed her?" Sophie asked. "Um, yeah, there's a milk bag in the freezer, I'll go make a bottle." Lia said. "Ok, wait, milk bag, freezer?" Sophie said, confused. "I breastfeed her." Lia said. "Oh,ok." She said. Lia goes to make a bottle. Sophie picks Hazel up from her crib. Lia comes back a couple of minutes later. "Here, sit on the rocking chair. When she gets halfway done with the bottle, burp her." Lia said. "Ok, I got this." Sophie said.

Emily walks in. "I made breakfast." She said. Then she left. "Are you going to stay for breakfast?" Lia asked. "Of course, actually, can I stay for the rest of the week?" Sophie asked. "Yes." Lia said. "Just until after Halloween." Sophie said. "As long as you need, we have an extra bedroom." Lia said. "Awesome, let's eat breakfast." Sophie said as Hazel finished the bottle. They went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. "Hey em is it OK if Sophie stays a few nights?" Lia asked. "Of course, we have the room." Em said. "Oh, thank you, Emy!" Sophie smiles. After breakfast, Emily showed Sophie where she will sleep. "Oh, this is a beautiful room, you have a beautiful house, Emy." She said. "Thank you, sophie." Em said.

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