chapter 28 getting Hazel back

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-a couple of days later- Hazel is 15 weeks-
Lia goes to her moms house and knocks on the door. Her mom answers the door. "What do you want?" She asked. "I want to see my daughter." Lia said. "Ugh, I don't want you here, but I'm not allowed to say no." She said and let her in.

"Hey baby, how you doing?" She said and picked her up. She started crying. "That's her hungry cry. Did you feed her?" Lia asked. "Not yet today." She said. "Mom, it's literally 1PM. She needs to eat every 4 to 6 hours." She said and sat down to feed her. "I forg-" She got cut off by Lia. "Be quiet, I don't even wanna hear it, I don't even wanna see you right now, I'm so pissed." She said. "Whatever, Amelia." She said. Hazel ate, she fell asleep, and Lia tucked her in bed. Then she left.

-the next day-
The judge comes to Emily's house, talks to Emily and Sophie and takes a walk around the house, and talks to Lia.

"I don't mean to bring this up, but I don't feel comfortable having my mom watch my child. She barely fed her yesterday." Lia said. "Wow, I'm sorry, everything does seem really good here, she would have a good life here, there is going to be a court date tomorrow and I think you are going to get Hazel back." The judge said. "Really, omg, thank you." Lia said. "There is no reason why you shouldn't get her back. Your mom lied about everything." The judge said. Lia smiled in thought of having her baby back. The judge leaves.

"I told you, everything will be fine." Em said. Lia hugged Emily. "Thank you both for everything." Lia said and hugged Sophie as well.

-the next day-
After the court date. Lia drove to pick up Hazel. She knocked on the door. Her mom opened the door, and Lia barged in.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" Her mom said. "I'm here to get my baby, you know this." She said. "I think not." She said. "You heard the Judge, I have full custody of her now." She said. Her mom puts up a fight, but Lia eventually gets Hazel and takes her home.

"You're home now, baby. I love you." Lia said. Hazel coos and smiled, looking at the mobile spinning. She slowly falls asleep. Emily comes in. "I made you your favorite dinner." She said and handed her the plate. "Thank you." Lia said. They left Hazel's room and went to the kitchen to eat.

438 words not including this

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