chapter 5 what sickness?

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-a couple days later-
Lia is in the bathroom throwing up. Em comes in. "OK, this is like the third day in a row. Do you have a bug or food poisoning?" Em said. "I think it is a bug, cause I also have been very tired lately, just out of it, more than usual." Lia said.

"I made you some soup, I hope you feel better." Em said as she walks to her bed. "Thanks em, you take really good care of me, and I appreciate you." Lia said. "Aw, Lia, I take care of you because I love you." Em said. "I love you to em." She said and eats her soup.

-later that night-
"We should watch a movie tonight." Em walks in saying. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea, it will take my mind off my recent Noah memory, it hurts." Lia said. "I'm sorry, I brought popcorn." Em said. "Good." Lia said. Em jumps onto the bed and turns on the TV. They watch a bunch of movies and Lia fell asleep on Emily. Emily smiles and plays with her hair and eventually falls asleep.

-the next morning-
Emily wakes up to find Lia in the bathroom. "Again, ok I don't think it's a bug, I think it's a baby." Em said. "There is no way!" Lia said. "Well, let's just get tesrs to find out, because you never know." Em said. "I don't know em, I don't think I can handle a baby, especially without Noah, how would I even handle any of this, I still can't  even handle him being gone." Lia said. "I know, but if there is a baby, you know I'm here for you always." Em said. "OK, I don't think I can handle all of this, but let's get a test because I need to know." Lia said. They walk to the closest pharmacy and they grab a couple tests. "You can never be too sure." Em said.

-later at home-
"OK go pee on those, I'll wait out here." Em said. "Ok." Lai said and walks into the bathroom. A couple minutes later she comes out of the bathroom with the sticks. "OK, whatever is on those tests, im here for you, always." Em said. "Thank you em." She said. Three minutes later. "Are you ready?" Em said. "Not really, im scared, what if I'm pregnant with Noah's baby?" Lia said. "Lia, you will be a good mom and think of this baby as you getting a piece of Noah with you, as you raise it and grow with it." Em said. "Wow, you're right em, thanks." Lia said. Lia flips the three tests over. "Positive...positive...positive." Lia said. "All of them say positive." Em said. "OMG, im having Noah's baby!" Lia said. "We will raise it together." Em said. "You're the best em, I can't do this without you, any of it." Lia said. "Its really no problem, you're like a sister to me." Em said. Lia starts to cry. "I'm having a baby, Noah's baby, its going to be hard because the baby is going to remind me of him and thats hard, but the best part is that I'm going to have a part of him with me." Lia cry's. "I know its going to be hard, but I know you will be great, and I'm here if you EVER need me." Em said. Lia hugs Emily. "I love you." Lia said.

-a couple hours later-
"So I called my doctor and I have my first checkup next week." Lia said. "Good." Em said. "I just hope the baby is ok and healthy." Lia said. "What do you mean lia?" Em asked. "I just don't know if the baby would even be ok, with the way I have been acting the past few weeks." Lia said. "Lia, I'm sure the baby is fine." Em said. "I really hope all that drinking didn't hurt the baby." Lia said. "Lia, I wouldn't stress too much about it, as long as there is no more drinking." They both laugh. "OK, you know what, you are more like a mom than I am." Lia said. "I don't think so, I don't like babies." Em said. Lia looks at Emily with a weird face. "I'm sure I'll love your baby." Em said. Lia laughs. "OK, I really need to rest, oh so that's why I'm always so tired or worn out when barely doing anything." She said and lies in her bed. "OK, you rest up." Em said and leaves the room.

765 words not including this <3

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