chapter 9 Gender reveal (boy or girl)

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-2 months later-
Lia is 20 weeks pregnant. Lia and Emily are at the doctors for the checkup and Emily is going to get the gender.

"Ok so I'm going to do an ultrasound to check up on the baby, and in advance, this is the time you can find out the gender, do you want to know?" The doctor asked. "I want to know the gender, for a gender reveal." Em said. "Ok, I'll put the gender in an envelope." The doctor said and put the probe on lia's belly and moved it around. "Your baby is around 25.6 cm long, which is the size of a banana. I am going to take some pictures of the baby, can you turn to this side." The doctor said. "That is your baby's heartbeat, its a vey healthy heart." The doctor said. Lia's eyes start to water. "I love the heartbeat, it sounds so beautiful." Lia said. At the end of the check up the doctor writes the gender in the envelope and gives it to emily.

-a couple hours later-
Emily is setting up for the party. She puts pink and blue streamers all around. She hangs a banner that says boy or girl. She make blue and pink drinks. Lia blows up some blue and pink balloons. Emily sets up a couple of tables for snacks and gifts. Emily get gets gender games for everyone to play.

-at the party-
"Ok before we get to the actual party, we will ask lia some questions, for some old wives tales." Em said. Everyone said ok. "Really?" Lia said. "Yes some old wives tales are fun." Em said. "your stomach is more on the high side, so it says thats for a girl." Em said. "Wow really?" Lia said. "So it says that if you have acne, its because you are having a girl, do you have any pimples?" Em said. "No, my face is surprisingly clear." Lia said.  "That means you having a boy. Do you have any sickness?" Em asked. "Yes, I get night sickness." Lia said. "Ok it says you are likely to have a girl. Do you crave sweet or salty?" Em asked. "Sweets, like chocolate." Lia said. "That means you are carrying a girl. Ok are you ready for the party to start?" Em asked. "Yes!" Lia said. "Ok everyone grab a necklace, pink if you think its a girl, blue if you think its a boy." Em said. Everyone grabs a necklace.

They play a couple of games about babies and pregnancies. They play guess the price of the baby objects. They play guess the object in the box, baby edition.

-a couple hours later-
"It's time for the reveal!" Em shouts. "Yay" everyone shouts. They all go outside. Emily gives lia a balloon. "We all know how this goes, she pops the balloon, if its blue its a boy, if its pink its a girl." Em said. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." Everyone shouts and lia pops the balloon and pink confetti flies everywhere. "Oh my god, Girl! Im having a girl, Emily we are going to raise Noahs baby girl together." Lia says in excitment and sadness. Emily hugs lia. "She will look like her father and have her fathers traits and qualities." Emily said. Lia wipes her tears. "Well I hope she has my traits and qualities too." Lia laughs. "Of course." Em laughs.

-an hour later-
Everyone left. "You go rest, I will clean up this place." Em said. "I dont need to rest, I'm going to help you clean up." Lia said. "No lia, you should rest." Em said. "Emily, I'm serious, I dont need to rest right now, I can help you clean up." Lia said. "Ok, fine, but no heavy lifting." Em said. "What is there that is heavy to lift? Lia said. Emily shrugged her shoulders. "Ok, I guess you're right." Em said. They clean up the party. "Now I can rest." Lia said. They laugh. "Ok get some rest." Em said.

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