chapter 6 check up

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-one week later-
Lia woke up throwing up, just like every morning before. Emily walks in her room. "What time is your appointment?" Em said. "10 o'clock." Lia said. "Good, gives me time to get ready." Em said. "Em, you don't have to." Lia said. "I told you Lia, we do this together." Em said. "OK, let's get ready." Lia said.

-a couple hours later-
"Are you ready?" Em said. "I don't know, I'm more nervous." Lia said. "I understand, let's just go." Em said. "OK let's go, before I change my mind." Lia said. They get in Emily's car and drive to the doctors.

-at the doctors-
"Amelia James! We are ready for you." The doctors say. "Can my best friend come in with me?" Lia asked. "Sure, whats your name miss?" The doctor asked. "Emily adams." She said. They go to the room. "I going to ask a couple questions and then you doctor will come in and ask more questions and take some blood tests and possibly an ultrasound." The nurse said. "Ok." Lia said. "OK so when was your last period?" "January 5." "What is your height and weight?" "I'm 5'4 and I weigh 125." She said. The nurse asks more questions. "OK the doctor will be in shortly." She said and left. " you know the doctor is going to ask the same questions." Em said. "Yes, and I am sure she will ask other questions and stuff." Lia said. "Girl don't be nervous." Em said and grabbed her hand. A couple minutes later the doctor comes in and asks some of the same questions the nurse did. "When did you last have sex?" The doctor asked. Lia went blank, thinking about Noah. Emily looked worried. "Lia?" Em said. Tears ran down Lia's eyes. "I'm sorry, I spaced, thinking about him." Lia said. "OK well you have to answer the question, lia." Em said. "The night before we got into the accident." (January 14) Em hugged Lia. "OK, I'm sorry you're going through a hard time." The doctor said. "Its fine, next question." Lia said. "OK, any past pregnancies that I should know about." "No, first baby." Lia said. The doctor asks about her medical history, and about her family, things to expect about the pregnancy, and what medications she should take and not to take. "OK, We have to run some tests." The doctor said. They run the tests and the doctor comes back. "You are definitely pregnant. Your due date is October 23rd. Some pregnancies are different, like some babies come early, or late, or on time, so you never know." "OK thank you doctor." Lia said.

"When is the next appointment, so I can put it on my schedule?" Em said. "Um, I have an opening on March 7th, is that alright with you miss James?" The doctor asks. "Em?" Lia said. Em looks at her schedule. "That is perfect." Em said. "OK perfect." The doctor said. They leave the hospital.

-on the drive home-
"So I'm 6 weeks, I forgot to ask the doctors if the baby is going to be ok after the weeks I have been going through and now I won't stop wondering until the next appointment." Lia said. "Well, Lia, get it out of your head for now, you don't need to stress, that's not good for the baby." Em said. "OK, thank you em, but it will still be in my mind." Lia said. "Well as long as you are not stressing to much, and of course, you're welcome." Em said. "Can we get some food, im hungry." They laugh. Em drives to a fast-food place and get food. They go home to eat.

618 words not including this <3

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