chapter 18 finally leaving the hospital

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-the next day, at the hospital-
"We are going to do one more checkup on baby Parker, then everything will be good for you guys to go home." The nurse said. "OK, thank you, nurse Katie." Lia said. "Of course miss James." She said. The nurse checks the baby's heartbeat, her temperature, and all other things the nurse checks out. "OK, everything is good. The doctor will come by to check you out of the hospital, and then you are good to go." The nurse said. "Ok." Lia said.

-a few minutes later-
The doctor came by to sign them out of the hospital. Lia gets Hazel ready to leave, puts her in a carseat, and puts a baby blanket on her. Emily gets to the hospital to pick them up.

-at home-
Lia puts the carseat down and plops on the couch. Emily takes Hazel out of her carseat and takes her to the nursery. Lia follows her. Emily puts her in the crib. "She is just so cute!" Emily said. "I know, I can't believe this is my life." Lia said. "That life, you never know when it's gonna throw you a curveball." Emily said. Lia pulled out a scrapbook. "What's that?" Em asked. "This is a scrapbook, I'm making it for Hazel. I am going to be putting first and mile stones of her life in here, for example, her hospital bracelet." Lia said and put the bracelet in. "Whenever she loses her first tooth." Lia said and brought out a large bucket. She opened it, and there are a bunch of little things. She pulls out a little box." I will put it in here." Lia said. "Wow, you thought of all that?" Em said. "Yes, this bucket will have all her achievements, and first, this is my keepsake box." Lia said. "That's beautiful, lia." Em said. "Thank you." Lia said. Lia shows Emily the pictures of the first and last ultrasound in the scrapbook.

Then Hazel starts crying. Emily picked her up while Lia put everything away and walked back to Emily to grab Hazel. "Come to Mama, are you hungry?" Lia said in a baby voice and feeds her. Emily goes to make dinner.

-30 minutes later-
"Dinner is ready!" Em yelled from the kitchen. Lia fast walked to the kitchen. "Shh! I just got her back down." She said. "Sorry." She whispered. They sit down and eat. "I was thinking of writing letters of what her dad was like and about me just in case." Lia said. "I love that about her father, but nothing is going to happen to you." Em said. "Well, how do you know, I could never imagine all that happened to Noah, and it did, so you never know what's going to happen." Lia said. Emily walked over to her and hugged her. "Lia breathe, take a breath." Em said.

"All I can think about is how she's going to grow up without a father, and what if something happens to me and she would grow up without a mother and father." She said. "Well, first of all if something did happen to you, I would take really good care of her and tell her wonderful things she wants to know about her wonderful parents, and secondly you should not speak like that, trust me when I say you are going to live to see all the wonderful things your daughter will do, she will grow up in good hands, the hands of her mother." Emily said. Lia hugged Emily. "Thank you, you are always there to help me up when I'm feeling down." Lia said. "Of course, I will always be here for you, Lia." Emily, they finished their dinner.

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