chapter 10 Baby kicks

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-2 weeks later-
Emily is on a date with Garret but had to leave shortly after because the hospital called her and told her Amelia had an accident and is in the hospital. Garret told Emily that he will go with her.

-at the hospital-
Emily ran through the doors and runs up to the desk. "What room is Amelia James in?" She asked. "She is in room 4." The desk lady said. They go to the room. "Lia! Are you ok?" Emily said scared. "Emily, calm down, I just tripped." Lia said. "Omg, your leg looks broken, what happened?" Em asked. "I'ts not broken its just sprained, I tripped over something when I was doing laundry." Lia said. "Why were you doing laundry? I told you, you dont need to do anything that will tire you out." Em said. "Emily, I know I am pregnant, but I am not that fragile. I needed laundry, so i did some laundry." Lia said. "Ok well at least you're alright, how's the baby?" Emily asked. "I dont know, I asked the doctor and they said they could check but there is a possibility that the baby didn't make it and I'm so scared Emily." Lia started crying. "Omg, lia, I'm sure she's fine, calm down." Em said. "No, it's not going to be fine, if this baby is gone, I don't know if I could live with losing Noah and his baby, it will kill me." Lia cry's. "Lia, calm down, I will get the doctor and we will figure this out." Em said. "Thank you Em." She said. Emily leaves the room to get a doctor.

"Are you ok?" Garret asked. "Yeah, my leg hurts a little and i have a headache, but all i could think about right now is if my baby is ok." Lia said. "Yeah, loving Emily as much as much as you love Noah, I don't think I could live if something happened to her." He said. "You love Emily?" Lia said. "Yeah, so much." Garret said. "Awe, did you tell her yet?" She asked. "No, but I was going to tell her tonight." He said. "Oh, I'm sorry." Lia said. "It's ok, that's not your fault." He said. "I know but she didn't have to drop everything and come here, she has her own life, and maybe have a happy life with you." Lia said. Emily comes back in the room with the doctor. "I'm sorry to do this Garret but can you wait in the waiting room, I dont think I want anyone to be in here with me and em, you too." Lia said. "There's no way lia, I'm staying in here with you, you know I'm with you. Garrett can you just wait out there for me?" Em said. He left.

"Ok em we do this together." Lia said and Emily grabbed her hand. The doctor put the gel on her belly and put the probe on her belly. The doctor moved it all around. "Hm?" The doctor sighed. "Is she... is she ok?" Lia asked. "I dont hear a heartbeat." The doctor said. "Omg, no!" Lia cried. The doctor moved the probe around some more, to be sure, but nothing. Then the doctor took it off her belly. "Wait?" The doctor said. "What, what is it?" Emily asked. Lia is to sad to talk, but she was curious too. The doctor put the probe back on her belly where she took it off. "There. there's the beautiful heartbeat." The doctor said. Lia took a deep breath and tears flooded her eyes. "Oh my God, thank you so much." Lia cried. "Thank God." Emily said and hugged lia.

-the next day-
Lia was still at the hospital because the doctors wanted to monitor the baby, and makes sure they baby's heartbeat goes back to normal and healthy. The reason is because when the doctor did the ultrasound, the reason why they didn't catch the baby's heartbeat at first is because, when they did it was very faint. The doctor is doing a checkup on the baby right now. "Theres her heartbeat." The doctor said. "How is she sounding doc?" Lia asked. "Like she ready to go home, she sounds really healthy, like nothing happened." The doctor said. "That's so great." She said. "Yeah, we called your friend and she is on her way to pick you up." The doctor said. "Ok thank you." Lia said. The doctor left to let lia rest.

-a couple minutes later-
Lia wakes up and sees Emily sitting next to her. "Hey lia, how are you feeling?" Em asked. "Great, I feel better now that i got my rest and knowing my baby is healthy and we are very ready to go home." Lia said. Emily laughed. "Ok, lets get you home." Em said and they left the hospital.

-At home-
"Get some rest." Em said. "Emily, I rested alot when I was in the hospital. I'm good." Lia said. "Ok lia, but I have something to tell you." Em said. "What?" Lia asked. "I stayed the night at Garrett's house and he told me that he loves me." Em said. "Aw, really. That's awesome." Lia said. "Yeah, I can't help but get butterflies when I'm with him." Em said. "Aw, I'm so happy for you, speaking of butterflies, I feel them right now, she is kicking!" Lia said. "Omg, can I feel?" Em asked. "Of course." Lia said. Lia took her hands and put them on her belly, where the baby is kicking. "Wow, I feel her kicking, it's amazing, little babies growing inside a person." Em said and lia smiled. "I cant wait to me you, my beautiful girl." Lia said. "Me either." Em said.

960 words not including this

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