chapter 19 the newborn faze

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-a week later-
Lia changed the baby and went to bed. A couple hours later, Hazel cries. Lia gets up feeds and changes her. Every couple of hours that night. The next morning, Lia wakes up. "Glad she's not awake yet, I need coffee." She said. She walked to the kitchen and saw that Emily is holding Hazel. "I figured you needed sleep and coffee." She said and gave Lia a cup. "Thank you." Lia said. She sits down at the table and sips her coffee. "She has only been born almost 11 days, and I'm exhausted." She said. "Well, she will grow out of waking up in the middle of the night." Em said. "Can't wait until I can sleep through the night." Lia said.

-Hazel's schedual-
9AM feeding and changing
•11AM feeding and changing
•1PM feeding and changing
•3PM feeding and changing
•5PM feeding and changing
•6PM bathing
•7PM feeding and changing
•9PM feeding and changing
•11PM feeding and changing
•1AM feeding and changing
•3AM feeding and changing
•5AM feeding and changing
•7AM feeding and changing
And repeating everyday

Hazel starts crying. "Come to mama, it's feeding time." She takes Hazel and feeds her. "I will change her if you want to finish your coffee while it's still hot." Em said. "You would, thank you." Lia said. "Of course." She said and took Hazel.

-a couple days later-
Every day is on replay, the same. Every day is wake up, take care of Hazel, talk to Emily, and go back to sleep. Lia was exhausted, but she takes occasional well needed baths. With everything going on in her life, she wouldn't change it for the world and loves Hazel more than anything. "So how would you like to take a refreshing bath, I got Hazel, I'll watch her for an hour, do whatever you need to freshen yourself up." Em said. "Thank you so much, I need it." Lia said and gave Hazel to her.

325 words not including this

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