chapter 25 It's christmas!!

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-one month later- Christmas eve-
Lia is baking cookies. Hazel started babbling, and Lia put a little flour on her nose. Hazel smiled. Emily came into the kitchen. "And you tell me that I love Halloween so much, this house is more festive than it's ever been." She said. "I know, I got carried away, Christmas is my favorite holiday." Lia said. "I know." Em laughed. She walked over and helped her bake cookies. "Hazel got a little bit of flour on her nose." Em said and wiped it off. Lia smiled.

-a couple hours later-
Lia put up the tree, and they put the ornaments on and lights up. They go to Mrs. Parker's house for dinner. Sophie also joins them. "I think mom has given up on Hazel. She's not calling my phone." Sophie said. "I really hope so." Lia said. "What is Sophie talking about?" Mrs. P asked. "Well, their mom wants to take Hazel and get full custody of her." Em said. "Oh, wow! I'm sorry, Lia. I will try to help in any way that I can." She said. "Thank you, Mrs. P." Lia said. "You're welcome because from everything I know, I don't trust her with anything that needs care." She said. "I know, I'm just scared that she will win and who knows what she will do to her." She said. "We will do all we can to make sure she never gets ahold of her." Em said. "And if it helps judges mostly give the mother custody, unless the mother doesn't have a good home, or if she's a crackhead. Sometimes, if the fathers are more provided than the mothers." Mrs. P said. "It helps a little." Lia said. They go home after dinner.

-the next morning-
Lia grabbed Hazel and jumped on Emily's bed. "It's Christmas, wake up!" Lia said in excitement. "Well damn, I'm awake." She said. They get breakfast. Sophie came over with presents for Hazel. "You wanna open presents, Haze?" Lia asked, and Hazel smiled. They help her open presents, she is 3 months and doesn't know how to sit up properly. She got a blanket, a couple of toys, teething rings, and a music box that plays all baby music.

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