Part XV: A Picture

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Marie tried to act like everything was normal as she and Emily walked through the mall. It was crowded, as usual on the day after Christmas, since everyone wanted to take advantage of the sales, but not as crowded as it usually was on Black Friday, thankfully.

So far, it had been pretty easy for Marie to just enjoy a day out with her friend and act like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Then she would tense or move just the right way, and her ass would clench around the large plug nestled between her cheeks, stretching the tight ring of muscles and her inner walls. In those moments, she had to remember not to moan.

She'd almost slipped up a few times.

Today was the first day that Marie needed to follow the routine Lexi had set out for her over break--something they'd agreed on and gone over before leaving.

She'd woken up at six—far earlier than she was used when she didn't have class--had done some yoga and stretches, then had made herself tea and a healthy breakfast. Eggs with some veggies. And a waffle. And syrup. It was still breakfast, after all.

After that, in the shower, Marie had cleaned herself very thoroughly and edged herself before slipping in the large plug Lexi had bought her. Which only made not cumming even harder.

Once clean and dry, Marie had done her hair and make-up, and the main part of her daily routine had been over.

After she texted Lexi about it.

That had been the other part of the deal. Marie had to text Lexi each step of the way, ideally with pictures.

Marie had thought it would be tedious, and maybe it would be toward the end of break, but each time she'd done it so far, Marie had found herself smiling. Each text was just another excuse to be connected to her girlfriend, and every time Lexi responded with a little heart or thumbs up or an actual text, Marie's heart beat a bit faster.

Marie had spent the time between getting ready for the day and meeting up with Emily reading. She'd chosen the book based on the cover--one of those cute Christmas romances with cartoon people on it--and had gotten far enough to be surprised at how spicy what lay behind the cover was.

Now, out with Emily looking at cute clothes that they didn't need, but were sorely tempted by due to the slashed prices, Marie was starting to feel the effects of following Lexi's routine.

She wasn't tired like she'd thought she would be. Waking up that early had seemed to energize her, if anything. Instead, Marie found herself a little twitchy, and a bit more...alert.

Every time she caught sight of an attractive person walking by, Marie caught her gaze lingering just a bit longer than it normally would have. When they walked by the lingerie, or even just some cute bras and workout clothes, Emily had to poke her a few times because Marie had spaced out imagining how good Lexi would look in the clothes, or how enticing she would look in them to Lexi.

When Marie thought Emily was distracted, she slipped out her phone and texted Lexi.

"Was me being so horny that I'm basically checking out the manakins in the clothing stores part of what you had in mind when you sent me my tasks this morning?"

Lexi didn't reply immediately, and Marie shifted about for a moment, rubbing her thighs together, before Emily came back with a cute green knit sweater.

"What do you think of this?" she asked, holding it up over her chest and smiling.

Marie grinned at her friend, "It brings out your eyes. And looks really good with your hair."

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