Part XLVIII: Just a Bit Longer

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As Blake laid back in her bed, one towel wrapped around her hair, the other around her torso, she called Liam, bitting her lip as she waited for him to answer.

I hope it's not too late.

"Hey, Blake."

Blake smiled, wiggling around on her bed at the sound of his voice, then actually heard the sound of his voice and arched eyebrow.

"Hey. You all right?"

"Yeah. Just... A little spacey. Holding out for that long and then coming like that..."

Blake giggled, "I think I know the feeling."

Liam snorted.

"I should be the one asking if you were all right. That looked really intense."

Blake smiled to herself, "It was, but it was also pretty awesome. The only stupid part about it was that you weren't there."

"To be the one fucking you, or to take care of you after? Or to be behind the camera like I was that other time?"

"Any. All of those," Blake said. She bit her lip, hesitating for a moment, then told him, " I might have imagined you having a clone, and both of you fucking me at once."

Liam laughed, "I think one of us would get jealous of the other. And I'm pretty sure being that big is physically impossible for a human."

"Oh, trust me," Blake laughed, "I like being stretched out like that every now and then, but your cock is perfect just the way it is. Big enough, but not too big like those things. It still stretches me a little bit, but doesn't give me a fucking workout just having it inside me. Though, coming that much and being able to keep going after you come would definitely be plus."

"I'll see what I can do about the second one. Honestly, I think that was hard enough to keep going if I'd been with you tonight. That first part though..."

Blake let out an exaggerated sigh, "I know, just a fantasy. Clean up after that isn't fun anyway, and we would probably completely fuck up our beds if you actually came like that."

Liam laughed, "I was pretty sure that was what you were doing between the show and now. How much of it was cleaning up and how much of it was you showering and then being too tired to actually get out?"

Blake shrugged, "About fifty-fifty. I'm glad you can't see me right now because I look like a total prune."

"I don't know if you've met me, but that wouldn't really make a difference."

"Maybe not to you, but it does to me. I look gross, totally unfuckable. Maybe even unkissable."

"I'm pretty sure that one's impossible."

Blake smiled at that, "Say more nice things like that."

Liam laughed, "I miss you. A lot. And not just because I could be there with you tonight."

"I know. Me, too."

"Is it too early to wish you a Happy New Year? Even though we're still going to do that on actual New Year's?"

Blake shook her head, even though he couldn't see, "Not at all. Happy New Year."

She could hear the smile and Liam's voice, "Happy New Year, Blake."

A wonderful warmth spread through Blake.

"I wish we could be together for it."

"One day, we will," Liam said, and that warmth turned into a blazing, wonderful inferno inside of her.

Liam's words made Blake so happy that she nearly told him. She knew doing that over the phone was stupid, especially when she couldn't just run over to his dorm afterward. Especially when they still had a little over two weeks left until they could see each other.

I can hold out just a bit longer.

They talked for a while after that about their respective New Year's plans, and about nothing and everything. Blake found herself jealous of Liam's friends, and jealous of Liam, for being able to hang out with his friends on New Years.

But you will get to join them at some point.

Blake took a moment to make a reminder on her phone to hang out with Liam's friends when she got back. She liked them, and they seemed to like her for Liam at the very least, even if they didn't know her that well.

As they talked, Blake avoided telling him about the house and the estate, because that wasn't something she wanted to talk about, but more and more, those thoughts popped into her head.

When she finally hung up with Liam, Blake looked around at her childhood room, and realized that despite all the memories she had here, not all of them, she would rather make new memories than hold on two old ones for stupid reasons.

As her eyes grew heavy and she took off the towels, drying her hair lake made a decision.

Before laying down to sleep, she wrote down a note on her phone to look up what she would need to do to sell the house, and then wrote down an idea she had for the estate, and whatever she got from the sale.

A/N: What do you think her idea is?

Also, sorry for the late story--don't know what happened yesterday. Going to try and schedule these to be more consistent! Hope you dudes are enjoying this!

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