Part XXXV: She Makes You Happy

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Once they'd finished shopping, and Liam had far more gifts for Blake than he'd planned on buying, all safely in the trunk of his car, Liam sat with his friends at one of the mall's restaurants, picking at his fries. It was a nice day out--southern California winters only sometimes dipped below fifty degrees before it grew dark--and they'd chosen to sit outside.

He'd had fun with Tasha, and Kiki, and the three of them had decided to see a movie once they were done. Spending time with them was fun, but...

I miss Blake.

He sighed, biting off the end of another fry, then wincing as the spice hit him--he'd apparently missed a super-concentrated patch of the seasoning on that one.

Hanging out with Tasha made him realize how he hadn't really been able to just hang out and do friend things or even normal-couple things with Blake as much as he would have liked. They both usually had classes, camshows for Blake and personal work for him, homework, and then what little time they had to actually be together, they either spent talking, eating, playing videogames, and when they could find the privacy--or semi-privacy, lately--for it, making out or fooling around. And with whatever had happened with her ex--

Liam blinked, starting as something hit his face, dropping down onto his lap.

He looked down, then frowned, picking up the French Fry and looking at it, then to Kiki and Tasha.

Both were leaning toward him over the table, wearing matching smirks.

"That's super creepy," Liam said before popping the fry into his mouth, "And did you really throw a fry at me?"

Kiki shrugged, then leaned back in her chair, folding muscular arms over her chest, "You were super spaced out. We'd been staring at you and making faces for a good minute or two before deciding to throw something."

"I wanted to dip it in ketchup first," Tasha said, flashing her teeth at him.

Liam rolled his eyes, eating a few more fries, then washing them down, a little annoyed they still weren't old enough to order any cocktails. All the ones on the menu had looked good, and he'd taken a picture for some ideas to try himself.

"Seriously," Tasha said, straightening, eyes sparkling as she gazed at him, "What's going on in that wierdo brain of yours?"

Liam thought for a moment, ignoring Tasha's comment, then shook his head and waved it away, "Blake stuff. I don't want to bother you guys with that, especially since we just spent all that time shopping for stuff for her. I don't want to act like a whiny teenager."

Tasha and Kiki frowned at each other, then at him.

"Well, now you have to tell us," Tasha said, leaning forward again.

"Yeah," Kiki said, "Plus the shopping was fun."

"Apologizing to women for shopping with them is definitely something you should not get in the habit of," Tasha added, grinning, "If you're doing that, you definitely need to tell us what's going on with Blake. You obviously have no idea what you're doing."

Liam glared at Tasha, then tossed a fry her way.

She yelped and ducked while Kiki just moved a bit to the side.

Liam laughed, "Is that what you were expecting to get out of me?"

Tasha glared at him, sticking her lower lip out in a pout, "No. I care about my clothes more than you do. And if you do that again, I'll convince Blake to do very evil things to you."

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