Part XXV: Therapy?

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XXV: Blake and Liam


"Blake? Kiddo? Are you there, are you okay?"

Hearing her dad's voice made Blake smile, even if it was laced with concern--he knew how expensive it was to call and had told them not to do it unless they really needed to or couldn't visit.

"Hey, Dad. I'm fine. I mean--I'm needed to talk to you about something because I'm not fine, but I'm safe and everything, just in my room at Grandma and Grandpa's. They want to talk to you when I'm done, by the way."

"Okay. What's up? I'll help however I can."

Blake's smile widened as her dad's tone relaxed, even as his words tugged at her heart.

"Grandma and Grandpa just showed me the will."

Silence for a moment. Then:


Blake sighed, "Yeah. I take it you know what it says?"

"More or less."

Blake had to swallow and take a deep breath before she could force the words out.

"I don't want it."


"I know I should," she said, quickly, cutting him off, "But I just...It feels like this is just another way of her messing with me even when she's gone."

Blake clenched her teeth as she heard her dad's sigh on the other side of the phone.

"I know you have issues with your mother, Blake," her dad said, tone calm, but firm, "But she loved you. This should prove that to you, if anything."

Blake tried to take in a deep breath, and almost couldn't without a little sob escaping. When had her eyes grown so hot?

Fuck. I hate how she can make me like this in just a few fucking seconds.

"She stopped showing it," Blake forced out, trying to keep the anger from her voice, "Love isn't just pulling some stupid grand gesture after you fuck up. It's doing the little things every day and being consistent. And I know it's fucking hard, but you did it. For both of us. Even when she was awful to you. She--"

Blake cut herself off with a half-sob before her voice could grow too ragged.

The line was silent for a few seconds before her dad spoke again.

"And you're gonna let her take up valuable time on a call instead of what you really wanted to talk about?"

Blake almost laughed. And almost cried. But she fought to keep her tears at bay.

This day fucking sucks, but he can still make it a little bit better. Even from prison.

"I called because I need your advice," Blake said, after a few deep breaths, voice still wavering, but not as raw as before, "I know the money would help, but I don't need it. I have a job, and I'm putting myself through school, and it's hard work, but I like it and I'm proud of it. After she--"

Blake stopped herself, taking a deep breath.

He's right. I'm not going to let her take up any of this time.

"I don't know what to do, Dad. I need you. I need your help."

Her dad sighed, "I love you, Kiddo. I think you know what the smart choice is. You're too bright not to. I know better than to tell my daughter to do something just because I think it's the right thing, but don't let your pride get in the way of setting yourself up for a life where you don't need to work as much. I loved my job, and I'd give anything to be able to go back to work, but even when I was working, I would have given anything to only need to take the jobs I wanted, so that instead of working, I could be spending time with you and your mom and my parents. Maybe--"

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