Communicative Comfort

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It's been a long week since you and Dean went to the clinic and the nerves for your upcoming results appointment are starting to bubble over. You both just want confirmation on whether or not you really are expecting. You know in your mind that the symptoms can't really be anything else, but your anxiety from a life of monster hunting among other things just won't let you believe it until the blood tests prove it once and for all.

In the meantime, so as not to make Sam suspicious – although you knew he was the first to figure it all out, you hadn't told Dean that, so Dean had continued to go on hunts that were close by. You helped out with researching the lore from the safety of the bunker. All while continuing with Dean's strict baby-friendly diet that he'd researched and a comprehensive self-care routine consisting of long baths or showers to relax your muscles, midday naps, early nights, and sleep-ins and meditation if you felt yourself getting stressed. It all felt like overkill to you and you were missing your active lifestyle. But truthfully you had never felt more well-rested in your life – which only led to you having even more energy. As the days went on your morning sickness lessened, as did your mood swings.

Your appointment is set for the following morning but it's after 10 pm and Sam and Dean were yet to return from their salt and burn in Colorado Springs. You know it's a long drive but that never stops you from feeling anxious. You much prefer being in the car with them than waiting in the bunker not knowing what's happening. You had always been better at and preferred the fighting stage of fight, flight and freeze. But for the sake of the potential baby growing inside you, you continue to do your best to rest and keep your stress levels in check.

An hour later, after you finally manage to doze off in the chair at the war table, the boys walk in noisily. You're frustrated at the disruption for a second before letting that melt away to be replaced by pure relief that they're home safe.

Dean rushes to you and hugs you before pulling you into his arms and carrying you to bed. You can't help but groan out in pleasure when you stretch out your stiff muscles on the memory foam. You had been determined to stay up and wait for them to go to bed – although you had dozed off – but you had to admit those chairs really were uncomfortable. Dean took a quick shower before joining you as your big spoon. You fall back asleep quickly in his warm embrace.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

When you wake up the bed is cold and empty. It used to be a rare occurrence for Dean to wake before you, but ever since the suspicion of your pregnancy, it has become more common, with him wanting to cook you a healthy meal and let you sleep in. You check the time: 7:30. You decide to get up and get ready for your 10 am appointment. Once you're happy with your hair and outfit, you go down the hall to the kitchen. You stop in your tracks just around the corner when you hear hushed shouting coming from the kitchen.

"You don't even know what you're talking about, Sam. She's just not well. We're going to the doctor today and we'll figure it all out."

"You're smothering her. She's not dying or anything, Dean! She's ... you know what it doesn't matter what she is, you can't keep smothering her like this. It's borderline Stockholm Syndrome and domestic abuse."

"She's never said anything. It's not abuse if she wants it. You don't even know the whole story so just keep your opinions to yourself."

"Alright, Christian Grey. So, if you hit her and she didn't say anything that would be fine too? You know what it's your future and relationship to screw up. I'm done trying to help the two of you!"

After that statement, Sam storms out brushing past you in the hall. Your heart sinks; you hate being the reason for their fighting. Seconds later you hear a loud shatter from around the corner. You run into the room to see what happened and comfort Dean, but as you round the corner you feel a sharp pain in your foot.

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