Comfort in Making a Home

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A/N: Wanted to give you guys a bit of a fun one this week. I also tried to make it a bit longer than the past few. 1. In honour of Jensen's birthday! And 2. Because I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to write and publish a chapter next week as I'm going to my first-ever SPN convention, SUPER EXCITED, I'm finally gonna meet J2!! But as such, I'm gonna be a little busy, so sorry in advance if I don't get a chance to upload next week.

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Feeling reassured that the threat of other hunters coming after your little girl or the presence of other monsters in town was all an overreaction, you and Dean spend the rest of the week cleaning, furnishing and decorating your new home. You let Destiny choose the colour for her room, a pastel violet. Her room is the quickest and easiest as you just set it up similar to how it was at the bunker. While the process seems like Deja Vu as you move the same furniture you only just bought and set up, it feels more natural and permanent here.

The rest of the house proves to be a more extensive project. Though Dean grumbles about taking measurements, the weight of furniture, and the hassle of shopping, his complaints are laced with a certain satisfaction. You can tell Dean enjoys the change of pace. It's still hard, tiring work, but it's free of blood and death and he gets to spend time with you in a place where he knows you're safe. No demons, no angels, just the ordinary challenges of making a house a home.

Your shared bedroom comes together quite quickly with Dean insisting that you keep your bed, as the memory foam remembers you both. You chuckle at his childish antics but agree nonetheless. Neither of you owns a lot of clothes either, so it's a simple task for you to arrange them in the walk-in wardrobe while he paints Destiny's room. Multitasking and working together proves a breeze after years of doing so on hunts.

Destiny plays in her new room, arranging her toys while you and Dean focus on the rest of the house. As you work together to arrange the living room, Dean teases you about the throw pillows and blankets, but there is a lightness in his eyes and tone that speaks volumes. The simple moments of shared laughter and playful banter feel like a luxury compared to the life you're leaving behind.

"I still think this is too many pillows, but if it makes you happy..."

You roll your eyes, playfully swatting his arm with a pillow. "It's called decorating, Dean. You'll get used to it."

"I'm sure they're good for something..." Dean muses as he picks one up and swats your bum with it. You retaliate until you're both lying on the couch laughing and out of breath.

Dean grins, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close, his eyes scan the room with a sense of accomplishment. The house quickly transforms into a home, a safe haven where the threat of other hunters and monsters feels like a distant memory.

As the day turns into night, the glow of a lamp illuminates the living room. Feeling the exhaustion of the day's work, you sigh.

He kisses your head and then says, "Not bad, huh? Maybe suburban life ain't so bad after all."

You lean into him, the sense of security in his embrace making the sacrifices of the hunting life seem worth it. "Definitely not bad. Not that it's suburban up here in the mountains..."

Dean rolls his eyes at you and pinches your side softly. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah. It's nice to have a place where we can just be... us."

And in the quiet of your new home, surrounded by the echoes of laughter and the promise of a peaceful future, you know that this change of pace is exactly what your family needs. And as you and Dean sit on the couch in the living room, exhaustion replaced by contentment, you know you've found something rare and precious—a place where you can truly be safe and happy.

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