Fleeting Comfort

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You and Dean walk into the clinic hand-in-hand with a comforting sense of deja vu falling over you. As you take a seat in the waiting room you lean over to place a feather-light kiss on Dean's cheek.

"Are we really ready for this?"

"Honestly? Probably not. But we'll figure it out. I'm here for you, every step of the way."

"Thanks, Dean."

He wraps an arm around you pulling you close until the doctor calls your name. Even when you stand, Dean doesn't remove his arm. You sit in the doctor's office as she brings up the test result files on the computer and prints them out.

"Good morning, how are you both today?"

"Anxious to find out what that paper says?" Dean says.

"Of course, of course. Well, I won't keep you waiting any longer; congratulations the blood test came back positive. You're pregnant."

You're completely speechless as you look at Dean, squeezing his hand in yours in an attempt to ground yourself and convince yourself that it's all real.

"Going by what we discussed last time as well as the hCG levels in your test I'd say you're approximately six weeks along. We generally send for the first ultrasound around eight or nine weeks, so we can get that all booked for you today."

"Could we do one earlier?" you ask.

"We can do one today for you if you'd like, but there likely won't be too much development to see yet. At this stage it will still be an embryo, over the next few weeks it will develop into a fetus and then you'll actually be able to see some more defining babylike features."

"I understand. We can wait a few weeks then," you say.

"We'll get that all booked for you before you leave then. Do you have any other questions? Anything else you'd like to know?"

"Just any advice you can give us would be great. Honestly, I never expected to be in this position, Doc. So, just anything you can tell us. What can I do to help my beautiful fiance here through this? What should she be doing?" Dean asks.

"Of course. Well, honestly dad this is a job that only mom can do," she says looking at you. "The best you can do is just support her and let her tell you what she needs. And don't hold back on him; pregnancy is highly rewarding but you have already seen the tip of how painful and draining it can be, so make use of your slave here. Don't let him get off too easy," she adds, winking at you. "As for other advice, you said you're managing your first-trimester symptoms well so that's the biggest thing. Staying away from any foods that trigger you, especially limiting your caffeine intake, and cutting out alcohol. Other than that, and this is in no way meant to scare you but in the first 12 weeks, you are at the highest risk of miscarriage. Now, it's unlikely that anything will happen but it's best to just take things easy and be aware of any abnormal changes or vaginal bleeding. Light exercise is fine, as is intercourse but avoid anything that might cause trauma to your abdomen and try to keep your stress levels low. As your pregnancy continues we can discuss birthing options and vitamins and such, but for now, just keep doing what you're doing. And I'll see you in a few weeks for the ultrasound."

"Thanks, Doc. We really appreciate it," Dean says.

"I wish you both all the best in this new chapter of your lives. I'll see you in a few weeks."

You and Dean slowly stand up and make your way back out to reception to pay the bill and book the ultrasound.

On your way home you continue the tradition of picking up baked goods, except this time you decide to get a little something to celebrate and let Sammy in on the news – even though you know he already suspects it, you want to confirm it. But without ordering in advance you have to pick from what's in the window, so you end up buying a single-tier chocolate cake and a 'Baby on Board' plastic decal to stick on top.

In-Air ComfortTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang