Comfort in the Bunker

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You spend a few more quiet days with Garth and Bess observing and getting tips to help keep Destiny on the right path and give her everything she needs to thrive. At Destiny's request, you end up getting a blow-up mattress for her to sleep on the floor in the guest room with you and Dean. That had cemented in your mind that she was coming home with you. You can tell Dean's still unsure and nervous about it all, but he's trying his hardest for you and the more real it becomes the more he gets on board. Over the past few days, he's tried to talk to her more and make her feel more comfortable around him. He even took her for a drive, just the two of them, so he could properly apologise for her father and start to make amends. And all of it has just made you love him even more. You couldn't be more sure that he's the one for you and glad that you married him amidst the chaos.

Feeling more confident and prepared to take this massive step you and Dean start packing your bags and the Impala. After a lengthy discussion and lots of back and forth between the two of you, you finally agreed that for now you would just go back to the bunker and help her settle. You will help her decorate and set up a room of her own beside yours. You also agreed that it would be best to home-school her for now until she's settled and you settle on a place to live more permanently. Rather than risking overwhelming her or forcing her to bounce around schools like Sam and Dean did.

You fold your clean clothes back into your bags as you watch Dean struggle to deflate the mattress. Once he finally gets most of the air out and rolls it most of the way up, he sits on it to keep it in place and shut the valves. He then wrestles it back into the carry bag it came in. It's quite the show, you can't help but laugh at his struggle, feeling a bit guilty despite him refusing your help multiple times, causing you to roll your eyes at the strong hunter trying to show off. Once it's finally secured in the bag he takes it and your bags down to the car.

You say your goodbyes to Garth, Bess and Gertie, thanking them for all their hospitality and guidance and promising to come back and visit soon so the girls can have another play date. You hug each of them and then pile into the car. Destiny snuggles up on the backseat for the long drive while you and Dean sit in the front listening to his classic rock. So many words have been shared between each of you over the past few days that it's nice to just enjoy the quiet.

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It's dark by the time you finally pull into the Bunker's garage. Sam comes out to greet you all. You help Destiny out of the back and go to introduce her to him but she hides behind your legs from the giant man.

You pick her up, place her on your hip and smile at her. "It's alright. I know he's big but he's not scary. This is Dean's brother, Sam."

She glances at him shyly and then hides her face in your shoulder.

"It's alright. Take your time," he says softly while backing away.

You mouth "thank you," at him and he nods.

He helps Dean unload the bags from the car while you take her around for a small tour, sticking to just the essential rooms: kitchen, bathroom, Dean Cave, and bedrooms. She seems very overwhelmed, understandably, so you take a seat on your bed with her in your lap.

"You can stay in here with us tonight. We'll look at setting up your room next door tomorrow. How does that sound?"

She nods. "But I wanna stay with you."

"You can stay with us until you feel safer. But we'll always be right here. Just a wall away."

"Thank you," she says.

"Come on, you must be hungry. Let's go see if Sam picked up any food." You take her hand and lead her back to the kitchen. You help her up onto one of the tall stools while you go to check the fridge. Sure enough, Sam got everything you asked. You pull out a packet of cow hearts and serve one onto a plate and place it in front of Destiny. She goes to pick it up but it's very cold. You notice her hesitation as you seal and place the packet back in the fridge. "Too cold?" you ask.

She nods, "a little. I'll just wait."

"Alright. Just let me whip up a sandwich and then I'll join you."

"Okay," she says as she watches you move around the kitchen.

You make two PB&Js knowing that if you have one Dean will eventually find his way in here and want one too, and if not then you can just take it to him once you're done. You join Destiny at the small metal table. She tests her meal again, the chill is ever so slightly less so she takes a small bite. The oosing of the blood from the vessel as she bites into it is something that will take a lot of getting used to. Even after days with Garth and Bess, it still puts you off. But you mask your reaction by biting into your bread. Minutes later, as expected, Dean strolls in and joins you. You slide the second sandwich across to him. He smiles before taking a massive bite. You smile back as you watch him and then Destiny. You think about how you could get used to this little family. It's far from the nuclear family, but it's yours, nothing's been normal in your life so far, why would you start now.

After swallowing his mouthful of bread Dean says, "How's your organ, kid?"

Slowly learning table manners from the frequent sit down meals we've shared recently, she swallows and then replies, "Good. I wanna thank Sam," she looks down before shyly adding, "but I'm scared."

You open your mouth to speak but Dean beats you. "Want me to come with you? He might look like a big scary moose, but really he's just a big sap."

"Can you?" she asks.

"Sure! Finish eating and then we can go."

You all finish eating in relative silence and then you start to collect the plates. You hand Destiny and Dean a napkin each as they're just as messy as each other, the only difference is that the red smeared across Dean's face is a little sweeter and yet Destiny wears hers better. It's much more acceptable for a child to make such a mess than it is for a man in his mid-thirties. You shake your head at them both as they clean up. After placing the dirty plates in the sink you come back and help make sure they're both food-stain-free. Once you give them both a thumbs up Dean helps Destiny off the chair and leads her down the hall in search of Sam. You hang back to tidy up the ingredients and clean the plates.

Once the kitchen is clean you head back to your room to unpack your and Dean's bags. His being overful from when he tried to leave. The room seems so bare without his usual decorations, although you hesitate at the though of putting all of them back. You put the framed photo of the two of you back on his bedside table and put his clothes back in their respective homes, but your opt to leave the weapons in the bag. You figure he can display them in the shooting range instead to keep your room more child-friendly. You then turn to your own bag with your new purchases, most of which still haven't been washed. So, you take the remaining dirty clothes to the laundry. The whole process feels so domestic. Your child-self would never believe that you feel comfortable taking on this role, but now you would happily take on the role of a stay-at-home mother to keep things flowing smoothly and do right by that little girl and your husband.

You dump the clothes in the machine along with a detergent pod and then turn it on. You set a timer on your phone to remind you to come and switch them to the dryer and then go out in search of your family, Sam included, his is officially your brother-in-law now afterall.

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In-Air ComfortTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang