Part 2

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"Chen... Harper and Lopez need you for another UC op. Bradford is a liaison for the case, so you will work closely together. Is that good?"

"Sounds good, sir,"

"Dismissed." Grey ended roll call.

Walking over to Angela and Nyla, Tim joined Lucy by her side, and soon they joined the detectives.

"So what is the op this time?" Lucy asked. The two other women who stood opposite began to smile. Lucy knew that meant something "good."


"Well?" Lucy asked.

"So, we have recently gotten tips about a gang that has been smuggling pure heroin into LA from Hawaii. They hide it in items that are shipped to the mainland via shipping containers." Lopez stated.

"We need Lucy to intercept after being a UC for a couple of weeks. We need them to trust you, and you need to get to the person controlling this chain." Nyla added. 

"Where do I come in?" Tim inquired.

"You will be watching Lucy's every move and staking out when she is undercover." Tim nodded and looked at his girlfriend. 

"Are you sure about this?" he asked Luce. His question was met with a nod and a kiss. 

"When do we begin?" She asked her two detective friends. 

"Next Monday. You have five days to prepare and get everything squared away. You need to be solid for this to work,"

"You've got it," Lucy said before grabbing the case file and walking away. 

Tim ran to catch up with her. When he finally did, he stopped and looked at Lucy. 

"I was wondering if you were coming to my house tonight?" 

"And I was wondering when you were going to ask," Lucy chuckled and kissed Tim before leaving for patrol.

After shift had ended, Lucy pulled into Tim's driveway and rang the doorbell. Kojo was the first to officially greet her, like every night she spent at Tim's place. Then Tim would plant a kiss on her lips as she put her bags down by the door. But that only happened once Kojo was done licking Lucy's face.

"How was patrol?" Tim asked

"Well, you know, the same old thing. Chasing cars and catching bad guys," the two laughed and sat down. Tim pulled Lucy close to him on the couch. Now was the time to ask the burning question; one of the most important ones he would ever ask her.

"I was wondering, and I will be happy no matter your answer, but you spend most of your nights here, and I thought maybe..." Tim stuttered, "maybe you would want to make this our  home?"

"Move in with you?" Lucy smiled.

"Yeah. And, Tamara could always move in here with us, or we could even sell the place."

"I love that idea. You know, the other day, she mentioned that she thought you might ask at some point. Boy, was she right,"

"So is that a yes?" Lucy nods her head a kisses Tim. 

"Now that I think about it, we could turn the basement into another room. Or we could look at houses nearby if you like the neighborhood."

"Slow down, baby. We will figure that out later. Let me talk to T first, and then we will address this again. But, for now, let's enjoy tonight, okay?" Tim agreed, and the two continued their night.

A week later, Lucy and Tamara were finally in the same place at the same time. Their jobs and lists of things never allowed them time together.

Sitting on the edge of T's bed, Lucy decided to bring up the whole idea of moving in with Tim.

"So, you are either psychic or you just know me and Tim too well," Tamara looked a bit confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, last week, Tim asked me to move in with him,"

"Ohh, that's awesome!" The two hugged, and T continued, "So, when are you?"

"I don't exactly know yet. We are still trying to go slow with this whole relationship thing,"

"I get it," Lucy smiled. She loved that no matter the situation, she and Tamara always had a connection.

"The two of us also talked about and agreed that wherever we are, you will always have a home with us. There will be a bedroom for you and everything you need. So, if you need to stay with us for a week or permanently,  that is always allowed. We are family,"

"That means everything, Luce. Thank you," the two hugged and began their movie.

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