Part 9

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The next week was slow for Lucy. After various shifts on patrol, she asked to shadow the detectives. Grey signed off, and she was able to see what Nyla and Angela did on the daily. Which, at no surprise to her, was more than what she sees normally.

"Hey, I am shadowing you guys today," 

"That sounds like a great plan. You can help us with this case we haven't yet cracked," Angela was ecstatic.

"Ok. Do you think that I could be a good detective?" Nyla looked at Lucy and nodded. 

"Having seen you and trained you to be undercover and watched the amazing work that you do daily, I couldn't see you as anything else." Lucy smiled and thanked her.

"So, where do we start?" 

"That's a great question," Angela said with sarcasm.

"I did find a lead, the victim's husband. Let's pay him another visit," Harper said, and the three loaded into a shop.

After talking with the victim's widower, the women made their way back. But, they soon received a call over dipatch. 

"Take this street here, and we can use it as a shortcut," Nyla directed Angela. As they reached the house, the call was what they expected. A break-in and assault. Sonce they were closer, they got called. 

"Ma'am, can you tell me what happened?" Lucy asked as they walked up to a young woman, beaten and bleeding from her head. 

"He came through my back door and said that I had something of his he wanted back. I don't even know who the man is," She was shaking as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Lucy listened as the woman gave her report of the incident and went to alert the other two ladies. After checking the house, they allowed the owner to head back in and make sure all belongings were accounted for. 

"We will hand this off to Metro and see what they can do. I'll let Sarge know and call Tim."

"Um, call Tim, but not about that," The detectives looked at Lucy after she said that. 

"What do you mean?" Angela was concerned.

"I think something's wrong with the pregnancy. I'm bleeding. I can feel it," Lucy was about to cry. She was unsure about what to do or what was happening. 

"Okay, let's head to the hospital. Nyla, dispatch about a personal, and call Tim." Angela was a great leader. 

As they pulled into the Emergency bay, Tim flew by the shop and parked farther down the line. The three ladies headed into the ED, and Tim followed shortly after. Once he caught up to them, he grabbed Lucy and pulled her into his embrace. 

"Hey, what happened?" he asked as she burried her face into his chest.

"We were on a call, and I felt off and realized that I was bleeding. I didn't know what to do, and I don't know if we lost the baby," Lucy continued crying.

"It's okay, Luce, we will figure it out,"

A while later, the two met with a doctor, and he informed them of what was going on. 

"It is simply first trimester bleeding. The baby is strong, healthy, and has a great heartbeat. It is common and nothing to be overly concerned about. If anything else happens, just come and see me." 

"Thank you,"

"I was really scared. We could've lost the baby." Lucy was still in shock; she couldn't relax.

"I know. Oh, I have an extra pair of uniform pants in the truck for you." Lucy smiled.

"What? I keep them just in case something causes you to need a change of clothing. I come prepared." Tim smiled, and Lucy slowly started to relax.

"Are you going to head to the station or home? I can take the rest of the day and spend it with you," 

"I have to go back with Harper and Lopez; we are still hunting a lead. I'll take it easy, promise." They kissed and headed out of the exam room. The two detectives were patiently waiting for the couple to appear a surely, they did. 

"Everything ok?" Nyla asked. 

"Just first trimester bleeding. Nothing too serious. Let's finish this case," Lucy kissed Tim once more, and the three women left to continue shift.

Once the day was done, Angela, Nyla, and Lucy walked back into the station, where they were met with Wesley and Tim.

"Are you ok?" Tim asked his fiancé. She nodded, but Tim didn't believe it.

"I just want to go home," Lucy said. Tim nodded, and they walked to the truck.

As they pulled into the driveway, Luce finally spoke after an otherwise quiet car ride.

"Thank you for coming to the hospital earlier. I really needed to see your face,"

"You don't need to thank me because I am the father of that baby, as well as your fiancé. I will never leave you alone to figure out a scary situation. I promise," Tim looked into her eyes and smiled.

"Now, let's go see what T made for dinner. It better be good," The couple laughed and held hands as they ascended up the stairs and into their house.

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