Part 19

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Two months had passed; time hadn't slowed down. Harper was now three months old, and Tamara had just hit 24 weeks in her pregnancy. She had recently found out that her baby was a daughter, taking some stress off of her. 

About a month after she asked to change her name, it finally happened. She was now Tamara Colins Bradford. She was also thinking about giving her daughter the name of Collins, or even making it her middle name. But, she was waiting to meet her before she settled on a name. 

Now, one thing that everyone had been waiting for was in the works. Wedding planning. Lucy and Tim had decided on a venue with the help of Angela, Nyla, T, Vanessa and Bailey. The two opted for a beautiful beach wedding in the early afternoon, even though Tim doesn't like the beach. 

The venue itself would be for the reception. They would have navy blue and green for the table settings, and the bridesmaids would wear green dresses. The groomsmen would wear navy blue suits to tie it all together.

"So, what's the date for the wedding?" Bailey asked one night. 

"We were trying to decide between February 12, and December 18."

"Ooh, trying to avoid the sweltering heat, I see. That is a great idea,"

"Well, we just can't decide because I want one and Tim wants the other. And, those are the only two dates that the company we are going with has open. So, we have to come to an agreement, but with him it isn't always the easiest. Naming Harper was easier. He agreed right away,"

"To be honest, Tim wants the date in December and having a wedding close to Christmas seems nice,"

"I can't wait for all of the festivities!" Bailey was more excited than Lucy at this point. Not that she wasn't overjoyed that she gets to marry her best friend.

"Hey, when do you head back to work?"

"Well, my first day back is in three weeks. I opted to stay home until Harper is around 14-15 weeks old," Bailey nodded and began to speak once again. 

"Well, I have to head back to the ambulance, but lunch again soon?" Lucy nodded and smiled. She and Bailey had gotten closer the past six weeks, and for that, she was thankful. 

After reaching the driveway to the house, Lucy noticed that Tim's truck was in the garage. He was almost never home this early.

"Hey, babe," Tim said as his fiance walked in.

"Hi. I have been doing some thinking, and December sounds great for a wedding. Maybe the ceremony on the beach in late afternoon, and the restaurant an hour after where we dance all night," Lucy was being a bit seductive.

"Well, I think that I like your thinking, and then, the honeymoon can be in Aruba, where we lay on the sand and drink martini's, and we have fun back in the hotel room," He was trying to be funny by matching her level.

"You are one smart man, Timothy," He looked her in the eyes, and grabbed her swiftly. 

"You are going to be in big trouble for calling me that," They two laughed and walked into the guest bedroom, closing the door behind them. 

A couple hours later, Tamara came home and found Tim and Lucy enjoying a movie in the living room. She had to laugh though, because they both had badly hidden looks of just having had sex on their faces. 

"Back at it again?" T laughed as she walked past them and sat on the other end of the sectional. 

The two stared at her with red faces, and looked from each other to Tamara and back to the TV. 

"Well, there's my answer," She smiled and headed up to her room, chuckling to herself.

"Oh, Lucy, do you want to come to my appointment tomorrow? It's at 1pm," Lucy nodded and smiled.

Once Tim and Lucy finished the movie, they decided to discuss more wedding details, and made some things concrete. 

The beach was to be the venue for the ceremony, and a nice Italian restaurant for the reception. The date was December 18th of the next year, and the ceremony time was 5pm. The reception that followed was to be 6:30pm. 

Lucy had made an appointment for the day after tomorrow to look for a wedding dress, and a reception dress or pantsuit. She hoped that her bridal party and her mother would come and join her. 

After Tamara's appointment, the two decided to get smoothies at the local smoothie bar before heading home. 

"I have a few ideas for the nursery," Tamara piped up.

"What might those be?" Lucy asked, intrigued.

"Well, I'm not a fan of stereotypes, and pink or blue for a girl or boy is too common. I would love to paint a mural, well, a single wall with greens and yellows. Since it's a girl, maybe a landscape of flowers or fields,"

"What do you think?" Tamara added. She seemed passionate about the design process and the design itself.

"I think it's perfect, T,"

"Ooh, there's a kick," T grabbed her roommate's hand and places it on the side of her stomach the baby kicked. It took a minute for Lucy to feel it, bit when she finally did, she smiled. 

"I loved how it felt being pregnant, especially when the baby would kick and move around. It was like butterflies were always in your stomach. I miss that,"

The two were talking a walk by the water, and watching the kids play beach volleyball, and being pummeled by the adult up against them. 

"We should probably head home, maybe you can get started on that mural design. I can help if you'd like it," Tamara nodded and the two walked to the car, and drove away. 

Once they entered the house, T headed up to the baby's nursery and began planning the painting, looking at the walls she had that were so bare. They needed and little life, and she planned on giving it to them. 

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