Part 24

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"This is the longest two minutes of my life. It didn't feel this slow when I took the test that told me I was pregnant with Harper," Tim hugged her from behind and just held on to her. They were both worried that it would be another negative. When the timer went off, the mother took a shaky breath and looked at the test. Then Tim looked at it. Well, he stared at it.

Now, back to the story...

As the two woke up the next morning, the sun shown through the curtains. The bed was warm, and Lucy woke up to the sight of her almost-husband longingly gazing at her.

"Good morning, Luce," He smiled, and pushed some hair behind her ear. 

"Good morning, Tim," She gave him a quick peck on the lips, and turned over to the nightstand beside her spot in bed. She grabbed the pregnancy test and looked at it with a grin. 

"So, this isn't a dream," Lucy asked. 

"That really is a pregnancy test, and you really are pregnant," Tim laughed and kissed Lucy until she fought her way out of the sheets she was tangled in. She placed a hand on her stomach and smiled. 

"I  will schedule an appointment with the OB on my way to the station," Tim nodded as he got up. The two began to get ready for the day. Tamara was already up with both of the girls, and was ready to take them to daycare. She had recently gotten a new job, which required her to be in office for most of the workday. But, they offered free daycare to the employees. She called it a win-win.

"Good morning, T," Lucy said as she walked down into the kitchen. The smell of eggs made her want to puke. She gagged a little bit, and held her nose. 

"Morning, Luce. You ok?" She kind of had an idea of what was going on, but didn't want to assume.

"Yeah, just a stomach thing," Tamara didn't buy it. 

"You're pregnant!" Tamara had an 'a-ha' moment.

"How did you know?" Lucy asked the question, but she wasn't overly surprised about her best friend figuring things out.

"Well, you were acting all weird at little miss's party last night, not drinking, and you just gagged at eggs; which you only do when you are pregnant. So, that can be the only answer," Lucy smiled nodded. 

"I am so happy for you! Harper is going to be the best big sister," Lucy thanked her, and talked a little longer before heading out the door for work. She had just been tagged to take the Sergeants' exam. Grey wanted her to move up in the department because of her undercover work. 

She had decided to wait a few months to take the test, especially since she and Tim were trying for a second baby. But, Lucy gave him a timeframe of when she was going to complete it.

Lucy thought that it would be great to take it before the wedding, and have it be a surprise when they came home from their honeymoon that had yet to be planned.

Tim had finally come downstairs, and tried to catch Lucy on her way out. But, he wasn't successful. He was just going to have to wait to surprise her with the honeymoon he booked. 

As he pulled into the station, he met Wade who was waiting for him. 

"Bradford, I need Metro to help with another case. Lopez and Harper will fill you in,"

"Of course. I'll head upstairs for the briefing," 

Once the briefing had taken place, the teams moved out. Their target was a high level drug kingpin, and their plan to infiltrate would hopefully work. 

The warehouse that the production was in had hallways for days. But, nevertheless, John found the area for the production and packaging. But, danger was near.

"Put your weapon down, now. Or this trigger will send a bullet into your head." Nolan was not one to panic, but he now had a gun to his head. That familiar feeling of cold metal pressed against his temple. He wanted out just like any other officer in this situation. In fact, he wasn't the only one with a gun to their head. 

Lucy held her composure as the assailant pressed the gun into the base of her skull. One bullet and she could be dead or paralyzed. Neither were good options, but if she'd have to pick, paralysis would be the latter. 

"Chen, you alright?" Tim asked over the radio. She reached for it to respond, but the gun was further pressed into her skull. 

"Answer that, and you won't be talking anymore," She released the grip on her radio. As for John, he was able to move in just the right direction to distract the suspect, and apprehend him from the other side.

"Try that again, see where it gets you," John quipped, as the man tried to grab him again. 

"Well, cuffs look great on you," He laughed and continued, "Get up." He pulled the man to his feet and dragged him to the shop, locking him in the back. He was soon met with Tim, who was worried. 

"Have you seen or heard from Lucy?" Nolan shook his head no, and asked why. 

"She hasn't checked in, or even answered her radio. I don't know where she is in the building. We need to find her," He was far more worried than he let on, so John wanted to get to the bottom of this.

"You need to tell me why you are so worried, other than the fact that you are marrying that woman. Why are you on the next level, Tim?" Tim looked at him and smiled. 

"She is pregnant again. We've been trying for a while, and it finally happened," Tim had calmed down just a little, and was given many congrats from John. 

"Her last known location was in the south hallway. She might still be there, so let's get everyone else,"

After about 10 minutes, the teams finally had a visual. Lucy kneeling and a man holding a Glock to her head. The negotiating wasn't working out, which meant only one thing. Engaging. 

"Let her go, and you can maybe get a lesser sentence. Cooperation with officers is a good rep to have," He wasn't budging. John was not having any part of this situation.

"Move any closer and she will die," Lucy was sweating, but held her composure like no one had ever seen. She looked towards John, and in the next split second, she felt the gun lift from her skin, and then gunfire. That was followed by a thud and a sigh of relief. 

She hadn't died. But, she was far too close to being killed. Lucy didn't want to think about it, but it was the only thing she could think about. 

After the two made it home, stress of the day melted away when they saw their girls. Tamara put Harper in her play area, and was falling asleep with Collyns on her chest. 

"We have an appointment tomorrow, by the way. I booked it this morning." Lucy smiled. Not just at the sight of the best parts of her life, but the fact that she was going to be a mother again. 

"We'll make it a personal day, Grey will understand," The two kissed and spent the next few hours talking. 

The next morning, Lucy was met with breakfast burrito, and a smoothie. At least there were no eggs involved. Tamara had headed out for the day, and took the girls with her, leaving Tim and Lucy time to themselves.

At the OB's office, their doctor ran late but rushed to make the appointment. When she saw the couple, she ushered them into a room to begin the ultrasound. The two were beyond excited, but something wasn't right. Lucy couldn't wrap her head around it. 

"Alright, let's see this baby. You are measuring about 8 weeks, and we should be able to hear the heartbeat," The expression on her face turned from happy to the complete opposite. Tim immediately noticed. 

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