Part 13

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The next day, Lucy decided to take the day and bring Tamara to the station. As much as she wanted to help, Lucy didn't dare push the young woman too far. 

"You are going to be sitting in a conference room, and I am only going to have Nyla and Angela talk to you. They won't let anyone else in unless you say otherwise," T nodded, and the women continued to walk in and up the stairs.

"Can you be there with me?" 

"Of course. I won't leave you," The cop led the younger woman to the conference room that the two female detectives were already inhabiting. 

As Tamara sat down, she grew increasingly nervous, trying to hold back her fear. But, nevertheless, she had Lucy with her.

Now, the two detectives only had the limited details that Lucy had provided them. They knew that T had already told Lucy about the attack, and she had a bit of a hard time getting through the talk. They wanted to make it as easy and the least stressful it could be on Tamara.

"Hey, Tamara," Angela said as she watched the young women sit. Lucy had T's hand in hers, as th other girl didn't want to let go.

"Hi," she said simply.

"So, Lucy called us last night, and old us a bit about what happened. We are going to ask you about the attack, and if at any point it becomes too hard, or you don't want to go into detail, just say so, ok? We don't want to make you uncomfortable or stressed." Nyla followed up on Angela's  opener.

Tamara nodded her head and started to go through the details. Occasionally, she would look over at Lucy and take a breather. Nothing scared her more than the feeling of reliving the trauma.

"After I was pulled into the car, he came into the back seat and tried to force himself on me. I was too weak to stop him after a few minutes of fighting. Then he had sex with me for half an hour until I was able to get myself out of the back seat. After that, I walked the rest of the way home and went to the hospital the next morning."

"Did he say anything to you that may have given you an idea about his identity? Maybe he had a specific smell, like a cheap cologne or shampoo," Tamara shook her head.

"There were so many people at the party that I didn't know or have the chance to talk to or even meet for that matter. So, nothing was easy to make out," The detectives nodded and continued.

"Do you know the address of the party? Or any identifying factors, such as surroundings or house other address numbers?"

"I know the address for the most part. 4130 West Nevada Ave,"

"That's about a three minute drive from our house, maybe a ten minute walk max." Lucy added.

"Okay, I just have two more questions. Did you see the car before being pushed into the backseat?"

"I was walking and heard the car, but only saw the headlights. On the street I had taken back home, there was only one streetlight. It was dim and maybe placed farther back from where I was about forty-fve to fifty feet."

"With those details, we may be able to pinpoint the approximate location of your attack,"

"I do remember one thing that might help some. His car was an old Ford model, maybe from the 80s or 90s. Near his headlights, he had the license plate lights that most cars have on the rear. I could make out a few digits. I don't remember the first two, but the ones that followed were '83ZI0'. Maybe that can narrow it down." Nyla and Angela continued to take notes.

"Last question, did he have anyone with him when he pulled up next to you? Maybe in the passenger seat, or who was driving? Or was he alone?" Angela asked.

"He was alone. I can see him getting out of the driver's seat and walking over to me. There was no one else in any other seat in the car," Tamara was on the verge of crying. She knew how that trauma affected her, but she didn't think that it was going to hurt this much to talk about it.

"We will see what we get through the system, and I promise that we will catch him. We are making that promise to you both."

"Thank you for taking this case. I've never been so worried about her. Call me if you find anything, please," Nyla nodded, and the detectives got to work. Checking each database, they finally pulled something.

"I found a match to the car. A 1993 Ford GT, dark blue and license plate '9S83ZI0'. It is registered to a Jacob Randon, 20, and takes classes at the same school as Tamara. Hiis parents own the house that the party was hosted at." Angela called.

"Let's bring him in." Nyla replied.

After a few brutal hours of questioning, the detectives were able to get a confession out of Jacob and contact Lucy. She headed over with Tamara, and the two watched as they booked him and sent him over to processing. Tamara was better, in the sense of knowing he wouldn't do the same to another like he did her.

Lucy and T headed home after a long night, to be met with Tim at the door.

"They got him." The three hugged and slowly moved into the living room, turning a movie on to finish the night.

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