Part 22

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Over the next six months, Tamara had brought Collyns home, Harper was about to turn one, and the wedding was just around the corner. Nyla, Angela, and T were planning a bridal shower and bachelorette party for the bride, hoping she would enjoy the fun and not stress out as much. 

Tim had offered to watch both Harper and Collyns for whenever the girls chose to take his soon-to-be wife out. 

"Hey, Timothy, we are taking Lucy out this Friday for a weekend trip. Are you good with both of the babies?" Angela asked. She was the only one that calls him Timothy.

"I'll be all set with the girls, you guys have fun." He smiled and thanked her for always having Lucy's back. 

When Friday rolled around, Lucy had her bag packed and awaited the drive to wherever they were going. But, little did she know that they were flying to New York, and partying in the City. 

"Hey, ladies, hop in." Nyla said as she pulled the car up the driveway of Tim and Lucy's place. She and Tamara opened the car doors, and climbed in the back.

"So, are you going to tell me where we are going?" She was excited.

"You'll see when we get there," Angela replied.

"I can't wait! Thank you for doing this, ladies,"

About 20 minutes later, the women pulled into the parking lot of LAX, and walked into the airport. 

"Wait, I thought we were road tripping?" Lucy was genuinely confused, but happily surprised.

"That part was most definitely a lie," Angela added.

As the four walked up to the ticket machine, Nyla printed all boarding passes and made sure that Lucy didn't see where their destination was.

The women made it through TSA, and were nearing the gate. When the seating area was visible, so was the screen where their destination was listed. Lucy looked and was eager to know where they were headed. 

"New York?" She smiled and turned to her friends. 

"We wanted to surprise you and for you to know nothing," Nyla explained. 

"This is great, guys!" 

When the plane began boarding, the four were in group b. Needless to say, it felt like forever an a day before they finally stepped foot on the plane. Lucy became increasingly excited to be vacationing and partying in the city. 

One 6-hour nonstop flight later, the four finally hit the city. The plane de-boarded quickly and the women were finally free. Four days off of work, and it just begun. 

While they spent their three full days in NYC, the four hit some clubs and bars, enjoying the sites. But, Lucy was worried about Tim and his having to watch two babies. Constantly looking at here phone, she was sure Tim would call or text her a question. But, he didn't. He was doing just fine.

The first night they were there, after reaching the hotel the four decided to hit a bar, where Lucy ended up getting drunk. Angela was hoping that it wouldn't bring back the harsh moments of Caleb drugging her, and putting her into the trunk of his car. 

Lucy seemed fine, though, making Angela a bit less tense. Unfortunately, Tamara wasn't allowed to drink because of her age, so she bottomed a few shirley temples, while the other three had some adult beverages. 

On their final day in NYC, before heading to the airport the friends decided to go to the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. Just a few spots to sight-see before heading home. Lucy was happy that she was able to relax and just have fun. But, she missed her fiance and the girls. 

The flight home wasn't much more than boring, but the six hours seemed to fly by. As the four got to the car with all of their luggage, some fun memories came up, creating laughter from all of the ladies.

Once Lucy arrived home with Tamara at her side, the two were met with Tim asleep with Collyns on his chest, and Harper in his arm, in the same spot on the couch that he had planted himself in a few hours before. 

"I think we should just leave him here, but get the girls to bed," Tamara said. 

"I agree. I'll grab Collyns, and you grab Harper," Lucy replied. As quietly as they could, the two grabbed the babies, and tried to ensure they stayed asleep. 

Well, that did not work. Harper began to cry, and Tim ended up waking not long after. After a twenty minute battle trying to get Harper to sleep in her crib, she finally did. Collyns was by far the easiest. Instead of putting her to sleep, Tamara decided to nurse her.

The next day, the three detectives made their way to work, only to come back to piles of casework, and paperwork on top of what was already there. So, they got back into the grind. 

"Lopez, look at this," Lucy called. She walked over to Angela and brought a case file along.

"That person is listed on my case, too. They are two separate ones, right?" 

"From what I have seem, yes," 

"There must be a connection somewhere, to something," Angela mumbled.

The two asked for Nyla's opinion, and began to dig deeper. The one connection they found was a family tree, and how distant the two suspects were. Metro handled the rest, and the two cases were solved hand-in-hand.

After Lucy got home from work at the end of shift, she, Tamara, and Tim began to plan Harper's first birthday party. It was three weeks away, and everyone was excited. They wanted to do an Alice in "One"derland theme, or Isn't She Lovely. They ultimately decided to go with Isn't She Lovely, ordering beautiful floral decorations, and a banner saying, "Isn't She Lovely, Isn't She "One"derful."

Spending the rest of the night watching a movie, the three talked about how the trip went, and that the guys had decided to throw Tim an interesting bachelor party while they were away. Some details were spared, but others made the adults laugh. That was what they needed at the end of the night.

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