Part 17

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A few days later, Lucy followed Tamara to an appointment, as the young woman didn't want to go alone.

"Tamara Collins," the nurse called her name, and the two walked into the room with Harper in her carrier.

"I am going to have you fill out this paperwork, and I'll come back to do vitals," T nodded her head and thanked the nurse. After her paperwork was filled out, the nurse completed her tasks, and the doctor came in. 

"Good to see you again, Tamara," She exchanged words with her, and then the ultrasound began. Lucy looked at her young friend.

"You've already come for an appointment?" She wasn't upset, but merely curious.

"I did about six weeks ago when I hadn't been ready to tell you. Before I came to see Harper when she was born,"

"How was peanut?"

"Good, strong heartbeat, and growing like a weed." Lucy smiled at her best friend and grabbed her hand.

"So, you are now measuring at about 16 weeks, and the heartbeat is perfect. You are all good. How many pictures do you want?"

"Five or six is good, thank you," The doctor handed T the pictures and showed her out.

The two decided to grab lunch at the food trucks and just talk.

"So, have you decided what you want to do?"

"Well, this baby is mine, and foster care is not where I want them to end up. I have had too much trouble in that system, and this baby will not be subjected to that."

"I agree, and I support your decision. You can stay with Tim and I and raise that baby in the home we want to create for you." T smiled and grabbed her best friends hand.

"I don't know how I could ever repay you. You've given me so much, and now you are giving me so much more,"

"You deserve it, and so does this baby, no matter how they came to be,"

The two finished their lunch and headed back to the house. Later that night, Tim walked through the door and was met with his girls on the couch, watching a movie.

"Hey, babe. How was work?"

"Same old, how was your day?"

"Eventful. Dinner is in the fridge, and the oven should still be warm," She was met with a kiss, and a sweet thank you.

"Would you like to join us for the rest of the movie?" The two were watching Mamma Mia! which Tim turned his nose up at.

"Fine, we will finish it without you," Tamara said with a chuckle. Tim felt defeated and smiled as he sat on the couch next to his soon-to-be wife. 

After a few minutes of singing along to ABBA when the characters burst into song, Harper started to cry. The three heard it over the baby monitor, and as Lucy went to stand up Tim grabbed her and sat her back on the couch.

"I'll get her, you just relax. I haven't seen my daughter all day, and I think I can get her back down," He kissed Lucy's forehead and walked upstairs to the nursery. 

Not too long after Tim left to get Harper, the two women could hear the man singing to his little girl, and the soft coos she gave back to her father. When Tim joined them once again, the had the largest smile on his face. 

"She loves her dad," Lucy said, and Tim continued smiling. 

"I have  a question for you," Lucy said, turning her full attention to Tim.


"Well, since we have basically seven bedrooms, I was thinking that this baby deserves their own room. And, Tamara is going to need her room to be an escape,"

"I completely agree. That laves us with three bedrooms, or we could have the two babies share a room. Even with the age difference it might not be a bad idea. We can figure the rest out soon. Let's just support her and when the time comes, we can discuss this again," Tim said. Lucy agreed, and the three finished the movie.

Up next was the kitchen for some ice cream, which was a common practice in the household. But, as Lucy was scooping a small amount out of the container, she felt her phone vibrate on the countertop. 

The caller ID revealed it was her mother. She wanted badly to decline it, but she answered it anyway. 

"Hi, Mom," Tim looked over at his fiancé, as did Tamara. They were both confused, as Lucy never talked to either of her parents after their petty decisions.

Hello, Lucy. Look, your father and I were wondering if you would like to meet us for lunch or dinner tomorrow? We have a few things we wanted to bring up. Nothing bad, promise. 

"I am free, how about lunch?" Lucy replied.

That sounds perfect. Just text me a time and place, and we'll meet you there.

"Ok. Bye, Mom," The woman hung up the phone, and turned to the living room after returning the tub of ice cream back to the freezer. She was met with confused looks and curiosity from Tim and Tamara. 

"What was that about?" T asked.

"My mom called to ask me out to lunch with her and my father. To talk about things, I guess. I'll bring Harper with me so they can meet her, if you are good with that?" She looked at Tim while saying the last sentence. 

"I have no issue with them meeting their granddaughter,"

Lucy sat on the couch again, this time with her bowl of ice cream. To get through lunch with her parents tomorrow was going to be hard. She was trying not to imagine the disappointment on their faces, like she had received every time she saw them. 

"If anything happens, call me or Tamara. We will both have our phones on. I know how stressful your parents can be," Tim told her, as he leaned in to kiss her. 

"Thank you, both. Maybe this is the time where they want a better relationship. A daughter could hope," Soon after her ice cream was finished, Lucy decided to head upstairs to bed, and smiled as Tim joined her. 

With him next to her, she was sure tomorrow wouldn't be so bad. At least, she was hoping as much. 

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