Part 27

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One week after the wedding, Lucy and Tim were packing for their honeymoon. Well, Lucy was packing for a trip, but to where she was unsure. As the two got in the car and headed to the terminal, Tamara called to tell them both that everything was fine because Lucy had texted as soon as they left the house. 

Grabbing all of the luggage from the car, the two walked through TSA. Well, Lucy was following Tim more or less. TSA was a breeze, which Tim was happy about.

Once the gate seating was in sight, Tim put his hand over his wife's eyes, and guided her the rest of the way. He stopped her in front of the screen and took his hand away. She looked and smiled. The two were headed to Athens. Greece was definitely in Lucy's bucket list, and she was finally able to see it. 

Tim had planned a two-week long honeymoon, staying in Greece for half of it, and then flying to Italy for the rest of the time. Grey was more than willing to give Lucy the time off, and even extended her leave a few extra days. 

"As of the current time, we will begin to board flight 276 to Athens. Any one with children, wheelchairs or assisting devices can bring their boarding passes to the desk," A flight attendant mentioned over the paging system. 

"Babe, looks like we are boarding soon. We are group B," Lucy was smiling wide. 

"I am so excited for this trip!"

"I am, too," Tim said before he began to talk again, "I thought, we should sunbathe on the beach for a while and head to some of the shops. We could see some other sights, maybe do a few tours." Lucy smiled at him and they shared a long kiss. 

Soon after Group A finished boarding, they called for Group B to line up. The two grabbed their carry-ons and walked to the back of the line. 

Once on the plane, and their bags stowed away, the two sat down, and Lucy took the window seat. Tim didn't argue, as he knew that she was beyond excited for this trip. But, she didn't even know the half of it. 

After boarding, the plane was in flight fairly quick. Thus, the sixteen hour flight began. Lucy, at one point, fell asleep with her head on Tim's shoulder. Tim did the same later into their trip. Lucy had decided when they were boarding that she would sit in the aisle seat. 

"Babe, we have six hours left," Tim whispered to his wife who was half asleep. She opened her eyes, and smiled. Falling back asleep, she placed her hand on his thigh and he did the same. 

About four hours later, the woman awoke from a nightmare, but looked over to find Tim fast asleep. 

For the last hour and a half, the two played a game, and passed the time fairly quick. Only 20 minutes of the flight remained and the couple would finally be in Greece. As the plane began to make its descent, the crystal clear waters were visible. Vibrant as ever as they captured Lucy's full attention.

She smiled at Tim as he too marveled at the view below him. As the plane landed at the airport, Lucy was antsy to begin de-boarding, but she knew that patience was necessary. 

As the two were finally able to walk off the plane, through the airport and to the rental car, they were beyond excited for their adventure. Tim had booked the weeks' stay at a small villa and resort, which had anything you could think of. 

When the two began unpacking, the sun was setting. Lucy wanted to watch the sun set on the small balcony outside their room, so she wandered out and sat at the little table. 

"I could watch this all day," Lucy said with a smile.

"And I could watch you be at your happiest with everything you do, all day." The two kissed and enjoyed the fresh air, beauty of the moon on the ocean. 

The next morning, the couple awoke to sun streaming into their room. As their day began, the two got ready and headed to the villa restaurant, and had a lovely breakfast date. Then, Lucy and Tim walked to the beach and sunbathed for a good couple of hours. 

Lucy had been a bit sick at the beginning of the pregnancy, so she was a bit worried about going on certain adventures. But, she wanted to take a boat ride to the islands, which turned out to be the best thing they had done yet. And, it was only their first full day of adventuring. 

As the boat docked, everyone aboard began to shift and grab their belongings. The island was small and had areas for basking in the sunshine, as well as a small villa and a pool. the newlyweds walked around for a while and decided to board another boat back. 

"This is amazing, Tim," She smiled at her husband.

"Yes, it is, Luce." Tim smiled back at her. The wind in her hair, and the sun in her eyes illuminated her happiness. 

"I never want to leave," 

"Well, I hate to say it, but we do have to go home at some point," Lucy playfully glared at him. 

"Fine, but we need to come and vacation here again. Maybe we bring T and the kids next time," Tim loved the way that Lucy wanted to include everyone in everything. She was selfless, and Tim thought that he was lucky enough to be half as amazing as she is.

As the week continued, the two went scuba diving, snorkeling, had some fun in their room, and ate great food at some island festivals. As the end of their stay in Athens was around the corner, Lucy was sad to go. But, she didn't know what was in store for the rest of the trip.

Tim couldn't wait to see her face again when she finally found out where they were headed. So, he gave no details, and hoped that she would be just as excited to adventure like they did in Athens. 

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