Part 12

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Trigger Warning!!! This part mentions sexual assault, and PTSD related to such traumatic events. Please make a decision to skip this part of it is going to be hard for you. I will be posting the next part very soon after this, which will not have as much mention of it. 

3 weeks later...

After waiting for Tamara to come to her, Lucy was relieved when T approached her. It had been a few weeks since Christmas, and as much as Lucy loved Tamara, she just wanted the young woman to open up. 

T had been harboring the biggest secret that she had ever had. When sitting down with Lucy, she still felt as if she wasn't ready to tell her, but she was. 

"Talk to me," Lucy said. Tamara tried not to cry, but she already had tears forming. Lucy took her hands in hers, and that instantly made T feel better. 

"About four weeks ago, I was out at a party with a few college friends. It wasn't a frat party, but it felt just like one. None of my friends were sober enough to drive, and I didn't have my car to get back home. I was within walking distance of the house, so I decided to walk home. One of the guys followed me with his car, and grabbed me, dragging me into the backseat." T was sobbing at this point, hating the fact that she could remember every little detail.

"You can stop if you don't want to talk about it anymore," T shook her head. 

"No, I need to tell you the rest. It was dark, so no one could really see anything. The street was illuminated by one light, and all I really remember seeing is his body shape. He parked the car, and locked the door I could have gotten out of. I tried to kick him when he made his way into the backseat next to me." 

After a pause to breathe Tamara continued, "I wasn't able to get him off of me; I was weak. He finally let me out of the car, after he raped me, and I just walked the rest of the way home." Lucy took Tamara in her arms and sat with her for a while, until she finally was able to relax a bit.

"The next morning, I went to Shaw Memorial and had a rape kit done. I just don't think I will ever have the guts to have it tested. I mean, I lived it once, and I don't want to live it again." T's tearstained face was evidence enough for Lucy to see what it had done to her. 

"I'm so sorry, T," The to hugged once again before Lucy continued, "I think that, whenever you are ready, you should talk to Nyla and Angela. I trust them with my life, and they will make sure that whoever did this to you will be caught. But, I don't want to force you to do anything you aren't ready to do." T nodded. 

"I will talk to them. And, I want Tim to know, I just don't want to tell him myself," 

"Are you sure?" T nodded, again. The silence that filled the house was loud. After crying some more, Tamara fell asleep in Lucy's arms. 

A while later, Tim walked thorugh the front door, and into the living room. Being hushed by his fiance, he noticed the reason for the silence. He kissed Lucy and sat in the armchair positioned next to the sectional.

"She opened up to me," Tim felt a relief as she said that, knowing how hard it was to see Lucy worried about Tamara, but he could see that she was even more so now that they talked. 

"And, she wanted me to tell you," Lucy says before Tim can get a word in.

"I'm all ears." As Lucy explained the events that Tamara laid out for her, Tim couldn't help but feel anger towards the person who comitted this act. T meant a great deal to him, and to see her in pain was the worst feeling.

"I'm going to kill him," Tim was about to get up and walk out the door. Lucy had to calm him down, and convince Tim not to do something he would regret. That, however, wasn't easy in the slightest. 

"You need to chill. It is already hard enough on her, I don't need you to be out of control. You can be upset and hurt for her, but you need to breathe," Tim nodded, and took his fiance's hand. 

"Okay. I will be calm." Tim reluctantly agreed, and just sat with the two girls. 

"So, what is next for her?" 

"Well, I told her that I would support any choice she made, and that she could talk to Nyla and Angela whenever. She is going to talk to them soon, and see what might happen after," The man nodded, and kissed both of his girls' forheads, and headed to the kitchen. 

"Can I be the one that arrests this kid?" Lucy took a minute to respond. "I don't know if that is a good idea. Ask Harper or Lopez," She replied. He said ok, and returned to the couch, continuing the conversation. Soonm after, Lucy began to doze off. 

Trying to waking Tamara up to head to bed hadn't worked, and for that, Lucy decided to let T sleep. So, Tim headed to their bedroom himself. The anger that floded him never went away, cauing him to contemplate doing something that could ruin his career. 

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