Part 15

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Three months later... (I know, sorry.)

Lucy was nearing her 34th week of pregnancy and was increasingly irritable. She was constantly uncomfortable, and she couldn't help it. She barely slept and ate everything in sight.

Grey ultimately decided it was time to send her on maternity leave a couple of weeks early, much to Lucy's dismay. She had already been sent to the hospital with false labor. He had given her three more days before she wasn't allowed to enter the building.

Now, Tim had been sent undercover a week before and was in deep. He was not allowed any contact with Lucy or anyone in the department other than Grey. No one besides himself and Sarge knew where he was. But even the two didn't know the extent or duration of the operation. It could be months.

Lucy was sitting at her desk on her final day or work before leave. But something wasn't right. As she stood up, she noticed something wet between her legs. Nyla noticed the movements and facial expressions of the woman and walked over to her.

"Luce, you doing ok?" Lucy then grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Angela, tell Sarge that Lucy might be in labor,"

"My water broke a few minutes ago,"

"You are most definitely in labor," the three walked out of the building and into a shop. Blasting the lights and sirens, they got to Shaw Memorial in 10 minutes.

"We need a room for this detective. She is in early labor," Angela flashed her badge, and Nyla followed suit with hers and Lucy's.

"Alright, can you walk?" The receptionist asked. Lucy nodded her head, and the four headed to a private room.

"The doctor is being informed of your admittance, and will be by to check you in about 15 minutes," a nurse had come and checked on her in the meantime and took care of the initial duties, taking vitals and asking about medical history.

"Thank you," Lucy said through her teeth, as a contraction ripped through.

"Of course, detective," the nurse walked out, and Lucy just sat there. She wished that Tim was with her for this.

"Is there a way that we can get Tim here?" Angela shook her head. Because he was in too deep, this could jeopardize his life, Tamara's, Lucy's, and the baby's. She hated seeing her friend in pain without her other half.

"Let me call Sarge and see if he can do something. I'll be outside the door," Angela got up and walked out the door and left the door slightly open.

The phone call, however, seemed to end in a positive manner. Grey was going to send word to Tim about his fiancé being in labor.

Angela walked back in and sat in her seat once again. She explained the phone call, and Lucy relaxed a bit. But, none of the ladies or Grey knew when he'd be out.

A few hours had passed, and Lucy was six centimeters dilated. She decided to go for a natural birth and an unmediated one at that. All she wanted was Tim.

After a little while longer, she was ready to deliver the baby. With Nyla and Angela by her side, she listened to the doctor's instructions.

"Alright, now I want you to push for as long as I count. Take a deep breath, and push," those ten seconds felt like an hour. The pain and exhaustion were extreme.

After 45 minutes of the same thing, Lucy felt as if she had gotten nowhere. She just wanted her baby in her arms and for Tim to be by her side.

"Okay, on my count, push again..." And she did, but the baby wasn't crowning.

Out of the silence of the room, monitors began to sound uncontrollably. Lucy didn't know which one it was, but soon realized that it was the fetal monitor. Her heart rate and blood pressure were also increasing rapidly.

"Mom's BP is high, and she is becoming tachycardic. Baby is having decels. We need to call the OR for an emergant c-section."

Lucy was filled with emotion and worry as she was wheeled off to surgery. But, before she entered the double doors to the OR, she saw Tim running to her. He had flowers and managed to get a couple of bags together. One for the two of them l, and one for their baby.

"I'm here, Lucy. I love you, baby,"

"I love you, too," After looking at her fiance, she turned to the nurse on her left side, "Can he be in the there with me?"

"Yes, but you need to be gowned up, so follow this nurse right here, and she'll bring you to get ready. We'll get Lucy prepped while you change," Tim nodded and followed the nurse.

After being gowned and brought to the OR, Tim grabbed Lucy's hand as he sat next to her. She was shaking, and he tried to calm her down.

"Baby, you are safe, and so is our son or daughter," He planted a kiss on her lips and wiped the tears falling down her cheeks. The two smiled at one another and waited for the sweetest part.

"Baby is almost out. Not long now," the surgeon said, making both Tim and Lucy's hearts beat faster.

"And, here is the little one," she said again, followed by a small cry.

"You have a daughter, Lucy." The nurse added. She began all procedures before swaddling her and placing the newborn on Lucy's chest.

The couple cried and enjoyed the first few moments of their daughters life. Soon after, Lucy was sent to a recovery room, but without her daughter.

Tim had been told by Lucy to stay with their little girl while she was in the NICU. Since she was five weeks early, there was no way of knowing how long she would need to be in the unit.

Not long after Lucy was settled, Tim and a group of nurses brought their little girl to visit her mama. Lucy felt really elated to hold her daughter again.

The two asked the doctor if Nyla and Angela could meet their little one and were granted a few minutes of visitation.

Tim headed to the waiting room where the two other detectives were sat, patiently but anxiously waiting. As soon as they saw the new father, the three hugged for what felt like ages.

"Would you like to come meet your niece?" Their eyes went wide, and smiles appeared on their faces.

"It's a girl?" Nyla was right. Tim nodded his head and smiled as wide as he could.

"Congratualtions, Dad," he thanked them and walked the two to the recovery room?

"Hi, Lucy. How are you feeling?" Angela asked. They walked in to see the cutest view of their close friend holding her first child.

"I am just sore, but over the moon," She smiled, and Nyla began to talk.

"You are amazing, Luce," Angela and Nyla took turbs hugging the new mother. Then she passed the baby between her father and aunts and soon made her way back to Lucy.

"Do you guys want to know her name?" Tim asked. The two nodded her heads.

"We would like to introduce you both to our 5lb 2oz daughter, Harper Zoe Bradford,"

"Welcome to the world, Harper," Nyla said in a sweet and quiet tone.

"It fits her perfectly... You will both be amazing parents," the couple thanked the two, and after the room emptied, Tim walked Harper back to the NICU with the nurses. Once he entered Lucy's room again, he found her sound asleep and joined her on the bed, dosing off soon after.

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