Part 11

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It had been another two weeks, and Christmas was even more so around the corner. Three days to be exact. Tim and Lucy had done all they needed to do, and so had Tamara. 

The station had been as busy as ever. Even with LA never receiving an adequate dusting of snow, the holidays were really dangerous times of the year. Valentine's Day and Christmas especially. People running late and compensating by driving far too fast, and causing rough accidents. 

As roll call finished, Lucy and Ella headed for patrol just like every day. Once they were on the road, the pair got a call for a motor vehicle accident, with one annouced fatality. 

"7-L-19, hold us down as responding." Lucy called into her radio.

As they pulled the shop up and parked, Lucy could see how bad it was. One vehicle was inverted and landed on its roof, while the other was crushed by a lightpost. 

"I'm Officer Chen, this is Officer Thorpe. What happened here?" Lucy addressed the EMTs on the scene. 

"Well, the driver of the vehicle that is still upright was under the influence, and unfortunately was killed on impact. The second driver was shot before he became inverted. We believe that he was actually shot before he started driving. He has been taken to Shaw Memorial and is in surgery," Lucy nodded and thanked the EMT.

"Thorpe, let's head back to the shop," Ella followed orders.

As the two arrived at Shaw Memorial, the receptionist allowed them through.

"Hi. Who is the doctor operating on Daniel Scott? He was sent in with a GSW and injuries sustained in an MVC." The nurse quickly looked to answer Lucy's question.

"Yes, the attending is Dr. Krasnik. He is doing the surgery on Mr. Scott, and will hopefully be out of the OR soon," The two officers nodded, said their thanks, and walked to the waiting room.

About an hour later, the doctor emerged from the double doors to the OR and checked in at the nurse's station. After being pointed to the direction of the two female cops, he strolled over and talked to them.

"How is he?" Lucy asked.

"Unfortunately, there was too much blood loss from the bullet, and he had already hemorrhaged more than expected." He paused for a quick moment and then continued, "We were able to resuscitate him twice, but the third time after he coded didn't give us a rhythm. I will have the nurses give you all belongings that came with him or on his person."

"Thank you, Dr. Krasnik," He and Lucy shook hands, and Lucy waited to meet with the nurse collecting all of the victim's items.

"Now we hand this off to the detectives," Ella looked at Lucy and then the two walked out the doors to their shop. 

Following the end of shift, Lucy headed home before Tim, so she decided to cook.

"Hey, babe," Tim said as he walked in the door, removing his boots and placing them in the closet. 


"I made stir-fry, and chocolate covered potato chips," Lucy said, earning herself a look of curiosity from her fiance. 

"Chocolate covered potato chips?"

"Pregnancy craving. They aren't bad. Here, try one," She handed a small one to him, and to Tim's surprise, he liked it. 

"Pregnancy cravings aren't all that bad," He kissed Lucy and the two sat down for dinner. 

"Where's T?" Lucy answered with a simple shrug. 

"Still studying upstairs, I think. I haven't checked on her in a while," The two ate and Lucy chose to take a shower. 

"Would you like company?" Tim asked, a hit of seduction in his voice. 

"I can't really say no, can I?" Lucy shook her head and grabbed Tim's hand. She dragged him to the bathroom, where they took a steamy shower together. 

Their lips never parted while they showered, which they both thought deepened their connection. As they stopped the running water, the two heard footsteps outside the door. Wrapped in towels, they both opened the door, and found Tamara pacing the hallway. 

"T, are you okay?" She nodded and quickly went back into her room, closing the door behind her. Lucy, however, was not convinced by any means. 

Soon after their last encounter, the couple headed off to bed, and spent the next hour talking to each other. 

"She doesn't seem to be telling me the truth. Something is bothering her, but she won't talk to me," Lucy was getting increasingly worried about Tamara. She hadn't seen her like this really at all. 

"If there is something going on, she'll talk to someone when she is ready. Don't push her too much. Everyone processes situtations differently," Tim kissed her, and the two soon fell asleep to the sound of crickets. 

A/N... (I know; this is out of the box for me)

Sorry this part is a bit shorter than the other ones, but I assure you the next few parts are going to be longer. Thank you call for the support and activity on this story. I am truly having an great time writing this!

- C

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