Part 8

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It had been a couple of weeks since Lucy had told Tim about their baby. This day, they were going to their first ultrasound appointment. Shift had already ended, and the two walked to Tim's truck, heading to the hospital.

Lucy and Tamara had done some research, and found an amazing OB, while also finding a primary care for the three of them. 

Tim had asked T if she wanted to meet them at the appointment, but she declined wanting to leave that special moment for the two. Just for now, anyway. The two walked up to the door of the office, and then to the front desk. 

"I have an appointment at 4:30, name is Lucy Chen," The receptionist nodded and handed the plain clothes cop a clipboard of paperwork. 

"So... Chen?" Tim was smirking. 

"Well, I am not a Bradford yet, you wierdo," The two kissed, and Tim placed his hand on her thigh.

"Do you think that Patrice will help plan out wedding? She worked well with T and Silas," They both smiled.

"I will bring it up to Angela tomorrow if you would like," Lucy chuckled and looked back at the mountain of paperwork in her lap. After a little waiting time, she was called into a room. The nurse did her vitals,  gathered more information and left the room before the doctor came in.

"Hi Ms. Chen, I am Dr. Sydney, and I'll be your OB for this pregnancy." She seemed extremely nice and Lucy liked that. 

"Hi. Oh, and this is Tim, my fiance and the father," Once they were all aquainted, the doctor began to walk the couple through the stages and procedure of different appointments.

"For this appointment, I will do an ultrasound and measure the gestation of the fetus. That will allow me to estimate your due date and when the baby was concieved. From there, we can most likely hear the heartbeat." Lucy and Tim were excited. So, the doctor began the ultrasound.

"Here is the head, and then moving this way we can see the body. Little hands and feet, and right in the middle of the upper body, see that flicker? That is a beating heart." Lucy had begun crying at this point, and Tim had tears brimming.

"Wow, Luce, it's our baby," Tim kissed Lucy's hand that he'd been holding the entire time, letting her know he wasn't going anywhere.

"And, let's see. Here is the heartbeat; it's strong and just the way we like it," Tim had recorded the heartbeat, unbeknownst to Lucy, so that he could do something special for her.

A few minutes later, the doctor wiped the gel off of Lucy's stomach and Lucy was able to sit up. 

"I am here to answer any questions you may have," 

"I have one; when will it be good to go on desk duty?" 

"Well, if you aren't in any particularly dangerous situations, I would say at about 28-30 weeks. You are measuring at about 9 right now, which makes your due date June 11," Lucy nodded, and Tim agreed. 

"Okay. I can take on the less dangerous calls and leave the other ones for John. It works,"

"Any other questions?" Lucy shook her head, and Dr. Sydney handed her the pictures. 

As soon as the two got home, they began to tell Tamara about the appointment. Lucy wished that she had gone, but knew that the reason she had was sweet. 

"Are you guys going to find out the baby's sex?"

"We haven't talked about that yet, but maybe we will," Tim answered. 

"I always thought that it was really wholesome to wait until birth to find out. But, we can decide later," The two kissed.

The next day, the two decided to tell Sarge about their little tagalong.

"Sarge, you have a minute?" The couple walked in and Grey nodded to close the door. 

"What's going on?" 

"Well, Lucy is pregnant," Grey looked dead at the two, and a smile appeared. 

"Congratulations, you guys. This is amazing," Lucy and Tim thanked him. 

"So, what did the doctor tell you, if you have been seen by one?"

"We actually had an appointment yeaterday after shift. She said that I was able to stay on partol until about 28 to 30 weeks, as long I am not taking high-risk calls,"

"Well, that sounds good to me, but don't put youself in a position where you or that baby are in danger, you hear me?" Lucy nodded and the two walked out. 

"I for one am glad that that went well," Tim chuckled. 

"Wait, before I head on patrol, I need to talk to Lopez and Harper. I'll be right back," Tim headed to his office and began paperwork, while Lucy walked upstairs to her friends. 

"Hey, how's it going, mama?" Angela asked, smiling. Nyla was standing next to her shuffling through papers on the case they caught.

"Well, Tim and I had an appointment after shift yesterday, and we saw little peanut." Lucy was beaming, and some might say she was glowing.

"Aww, do you have pictures?" Lucy grabbed one out of her uniform pocket and showed it to the ladies. 

"I can't believe that you and Tim are having a baby," Nyla made sure to whisper that part. 

Lucy couldn't believe that part either, to be honest. But, she was over the moon about it all. After talking for a few minutes, Lucy left for patrol. She did stop at Tim's office forst to kiss him goodbye. 

Shift was slow and uneventful, but Lucy and Ella were really enjoying each other's company. But, no matter what the two talked about, it didn't make the time pass any quicker. But, after a couple of traffic stops, they finally made it to the end of shift. Lucy couldn't wait to go home to her bed and feel Tim next to her. And, so, they did.

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