Part 26

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It was officially the day before the wedding. The rehearsal was about to take place, and everyone had gathered at the beach. 

"So, we are going to have Wade and Luna walk down the aisle first, and take their seats. Next will be Genny and the boys, and finally myself," Tim said.

"After Tim takes his place at the altar, Bailey will walk and take her place, followed by Nyla, Angela and then Tamara. After that, Lucy will begin walking down the aisle with her parents," Everyone got into their positions and began to rehearse for tomorrows' event. 

Soon, the rehearsal dinner was upon them. They headed back to the house, and cooked the food that had been prepared the night before. Since they had gotten the house, there was more than enough space for company. 

The next day. Their wedding day. It was finally here. Lucy had Nyla, Angela and Bailey stay over that night to help prepare the bride for her big day. Lucy and Tim had a little romantic breakfast at a small cafe in the early morning, and shortly after, Tim headed to Genny's house with his groomsmen.

Once it was about noon, the hairstylist arrived and began to transform Lucy's hair. Lucy opted for a pretty braided bun with some side fly-aways. She also had a simple face of makeup to match the simplistic look. Then, the other women had their hair done, along with makeup. 

Once 3 pm rolled around, Lucy got into her gown with the help of her ladies. Luckily, she was only in the first trimester of her pregnancy. Since she had gotten a beautiful satin form-fitting gown, she was hoping that she hadn't gained too much weight. 

She hadn't told Tim yet about the pregnancy. She had gotten in with her OB a few days before this day, and decided to tell Tim at the reception. She was about 9 weeks along, and baby was growing well. She wanted to make sure that the test she took at the bar two weeks before was actually accurate, and luckily, it was. 

To finish off her look, she added some gold earrings and a necklace to match. They were part of a set she had received from Tim for their one-year (dating) anniversary. After that, she helped all four of her friends into their outfits, and they were ready to head to the beach. But first, they decided to go for smoothies; just like a couple of weeks prior. 

Finally, it was quarter to 5, and the ceremony was about to begin. The entire wedding party was excited and anxious. When the music began, everyone followed suit, and walked down in their prospective order. Wade and Luna, followed by Genny and the boys. Tim walked to the altar and stood, patiently waiting for the first look he could sneak at his soon-to-be wife. 

After all bridesmaids had walked to their spots, the bride began to process her way down the aisle. She had her mother on her left and her father on her right. Lucy was dreading this part, only because she was afraid to trip and fall. But, she didn't and the three made it to the altar, parting their ways soon after.

Lucy looked at Tim, and watched the tears fall from his eyes. She, too, began to cry. Happy tears.

After a second, Lucy handed T her bouquet and then Tim took her hands in his. The minister began to speak and got on with the boring part. Finally, the time to say their vows had arrived. 

"Lucy, from the moment I saw you walk into roll-call, I knew that there was a connection. I looked at you and saw something more than the work relationship we had developed. And then years later, we got together, and I got to see just how amazing you are. Not just at work, but at home with Tamara, Harper and Collyns. We have lived in this world that it unkind, and harsh at times, but you have shown me how just one person can make it better. You have made me a better person, and I thank you for that. I also vow to always be that person, someone for you to rely on, to be your rock, your backbone, and to be the best father to our kids. I love you to the moon and back, Luce. you are my world." Lucy was in tears.

"Tim, from that exact same moment, I knew that we were meant to be. My world had come crashing down at many times in my life, you saved me every time. Even when we weren't together, you still saved me in every way possible; mentally, emotionally, physically. Key note for all of our guests; don't go on a date with a serial killer. After we started to see each other, I hoped that we would forever be loved by one another, and this right here, is evidence that it came true. I will always have your 6, and 12, and every other number on a clock, because I know that you will forever have mine. And, thank you for being an amazing father to Harper, and father figure to Tamara. Thank you for letting me drink alone, but I can't have one for another 8 months, so save one for me. I vow to always love you unconditionally and be your rock like you are mine. I love you 'til the world stops turning," Tim looked at her with wide eyes. 

"Wait, you're pregnant?" Lucy nodded her head, and the guests erupted with laughter, cheering and happiness. The two then shared a long hug and a kiss at the end. 

"I haven't even said kiss the bride yet," The minister retorted, causing more laughter from the beach. Then, when she finally said it, the two said "I do" and kiss once more. 

At the reception, the newlyweds decided to sneak off to have some married fun, and returned a half hour later. Lucy had then changed into her nice pantsuit, and into a more comfortable pair of shoes. Heels weren't going to cut it.

They had ordered a cake, which had been delivered to the Italian restaurant, and was waiting to be cut. But first, the two decided to do their first dance. Lucy wanted to have a specific song to dance to, and Tim happily agreed to have it be that. They chose "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley. As the two danced, the crowd watched them in awe. 

The love they shared was like no other. After their moment, Lucy danced with her father, and Genny danced with Tim to stand in for their mother. The night was perfect and nothing could change that. 

"Everyone, the couple will now cut the cake," Nyla said, as she got the attention of the guests. The two cut the piece together, and practically smashed it into each others' faces. More dancing had ensued, making the night amazing. If there was such a thing as perfection, this night would be it.

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