Part 20

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Three weeks had passed, Christmas had come and gone, and Lucy was finally back at work. She had already solved a few cases since the beginning of the week, which made her time back at work favorable. 

Tamara began designing the nursery, and enlisted the help of Tim to create a beautiful sage green wood accent wall. She was sketching out the mural design on a different wall. She also finally picked out a beautiful name for her daughter, that she had yet to share with anyone.

As the days went by, Tim and Lucy were beginning to do things with their wedding party. Lucy had taken her bridesmaids out to find their dresses and they all found a mix of long and short lengths, and all the same color. For Lucy, she settled on a white satin form-fitting gown. It had spaghetti straps, and a short train.

For the reception, she chose a simple white pantsuit, and a pair of flats. The men were to wear navy blue suits and white ties, including Jack who was the little ring bearer. The flower girl would wear a little white dress with a green bow, and the couple chose Leah. 

"Tim, we need to send the save the date cards out, and order the matching invitations,"

"I'll do that when I get home from work. I only have one case today," The two were getting ready to head to work, and had already handed Harper off to Lucy's parents for the day.

"Did you ask T what she wanted to do for dinner?" 

"Not yet. She's still asleep," 

"In that case, I'll text her when I get to work. See you later tonight, love you," Lucy said as she walked out the front door.

"Love you, too, babe,"

As Lucy walked into work, she texted Tamara and sat down at her desk. She had missed the rush of things while she was on maternity leave. She had been back for about a week, and had just begun to get back into the swing of things. 

"Lopez, can you send me the evidence you logged from the vehicle?" Lucy asked her partner. 

"Yep, let me find the files,"

"Thank you. Did we already call the girlfriend in for questioning?" 

"It is not written in here, so I assume not. I'll check with the other detectives,"

As the case came to a close at the end of shift, the detective was able to head home. She picked Harper up on the way to the house, and came home to find Tamara painting the first few areas of the mural in the nursery. She had taken weeks to figure out the right design, and then a few days to sketch it out. 

"How's the mural coming?" Tim asked her as he knocked on the door. He had gotten home a couple of minutes after Lucy, and they both headed upstairs to change. 

"Great. I ran out to the store and grabbed some paint in the colors I wanted and began to make magic happen. I hope as she grows, this one will cherish this mural," 

"She will," Lucy said, and squeezed her arm. 

"We are going to start dinner. Any requests?" Tim asked.

"Ooh, I'm good with anything. But, for dessert I would love some chocolate covered potato chips," Lucy laughed at Tamara's response. 

"See, babe, I'm not the only one that craves that while pregnant," They all smiled, and the young woman went back to painting. 

After dinner was served, the three decided to play a game, instead of their usual movie night. The one that got to choose the game was Tim, so he came downstairs with a deck of cards, and a monopoly game. 

"Which one? Go fish or monopoly?" 

"Definitely not go fish," Lucy said.

"I second that," Tamara raised her hand, and agreed.

After playing what felt like a day long game of monopoly, the two women had no choice but to let Tim win. He was going to be a poor sport otherwise, well, for kicks. 

The next day, the couple ordered and picked up their save the date cards, and the three began to address them. Next up were the invitations, which the two decided to have someone design for them. Tim and Lucy couldn't exactly agree on the color or font, so they left that up to Lopez.

A few days after, they asked Nyla to help with the food planning. Tim had mentioned wanting a food truck, and Lucy happily agreed. Now it was up to Nyla to reserve the date and time for the wedding.

Once everything else was set in stone, the two were left to wait in anticipation of their big day. But, it was eleven months away. 

"Hey, guys,"

"What's up, T?" Tim asked.

"I want to show you something," She gestured for the couple to follow her upstairs, and led them to the nursery. 

"I'm almost done with the mural, but this is it so far." Lucy was in awe. She knew her best friend had talent, but this is beyond what she had imagined. 

"Tamara, this is beautiful." The wall was painted with different shades of green, making up a nature scene with birch trees, mountains and deer. It was like it came out of a storybook.

"It's not complete, but I wanted to show you two. I'm getting excited," She brushed her hand over the bump, and looked at her masterpiece. 

"I love it," Tim said. T thanked the two, the three of them returned to the couch to begin a movie. Everyone enjoyed the time that they had together. 

Three weeks later, Tamara had finished the mural and the furniture had been built. She was happy to have a family and important people in her corner. Tim had assisted her in the construction of the crib, changing table, bouncer, and the bureau. 

Lucy had decided to throw her a surprise baby sprinkle, and everyone who became family had been invited. 

"Thank you all for being my chosen family. Well, with Lucy I don't think I really had a choice in the matter. I am her puppy, and proud to be so," The guests laughed and continued to enjoy the sprinkle.

Once everyone had left and the little family was alone, Harper had woken up, only to be consoled by her aunt. Tamara needed the practice for what would be happening in the next two months.

Lucy loved watching the two together, especially from the doorway of Harper's nursery. She would stand there for a while, and be joined by her soon-to-be husband. They would stay there until Harper was sound asleep, and Tamara walked out. But, the two would take it all in because it might not always be that way.

Falling for You - ChenfordOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora