Part 30

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Four weeks later, Lucy and Tim were headed to another appointment. They had decided to find out the gender of the baby and do an intimate reveal between them, Tamara, and the girls. 

The wait wasn't horrible, and then the two were escorted into a room. The doctor arrived shortly after, and began to perform the ultrasound.

"This is baby. A nice size for gestation, no growth restriction and the placenta is perfect. Would you like to know the sex?" The doctor inquired. 

"We were wondering if you could write it down and stick the picture in an envelope for us?" Lucy mentioned. She and Tim decided on a cute reveal a couple of days from then. 

"Absolutely. You two should close your eyes for this." The couple did, and soon, they were handed an envelope, and walked back to the reception area. 

"I need to make another appointment." The receptionist looked at Lucy, and asked some questions. She made the appointment, and the two headed to the car. When they entered the car, Lucy looked at the envelope, and was curious about what the gender was. She wanted a little boy, but Tim wanted another girl. He already had four, but another didn't seem too bad. 

"Let's head to the bakery, shall we?" Tim asked, and leaned in to kiss Lucy before backing out, and driving away. 

As they pulled up to the small shop, Tim grabbed the envelope from the dashboard, and the two walked inside. A younger woman stood at the counter, and greeted them.

"Hi, how can I assist you guys?" She was sweet, and had a nice attitude. Refreshing.

"Hi, we'd like to order a gender reveal cake." The young woman smiled and talked with them a little more. 

"What idea or design were you going for?"

"Well, we were thinking a 6 inch cake round cake with three to four ombre layers, white cream cheese frosting, and the word 'baby' on the top." Lucy said. The woman took notes, scribbling what the couple had decided on.

"Only the cake layers are colored, not the frosting?" The woman asked, making sure that is what the two wanted. 

"Yes, that's perfect. And, we have the envelope with the baby's gender. Here it is." Tim added. She grabbed it from him, and stuck it with the paper of the couple's order. 

"So, the cake does need to be paid for at the time of the order. It's because we don't want to make the cake and have the person never show to pick it up." The two nodded, and the woman continued, "Your total is going to be $50, and I will make sure that the envelope is given back when the order is picked up. We should have the cake done in three days." The two paid, and headed back to the house.

"We should probably start thinking about nursery themes. Maybe we could do something related to the gender, or we could do gender neutral again." Lucy brought up as soon as they sat on the couch. 

"I like the gender neutral idea, but we could add some blues or pinks depending on what the baby is." They both liked the idea, and looked at some inspiration on Pinterest. 

Three days had gone by, and the two were antsy to finally know the gender of their second baby. But before they could, Lucy and Tim had to make it through a shift. Lucy and the detectives were still pounding away at another case, hoping there would be a lead that didn't end up a dead end. Lopez and Harper were chasing one down, but weren't able to see it through.

"Lopez, can you bring this suspect back in for questioning?" Lucy asked, receiving a nod from Angela. She soon brought the suspect in, who was then questioned by another detective. 

Harper had returned from Grey's office, relaying that there was another murder. Same execution, same motive. There had to be some clue about the person committing it. 

"How could we have the wrong person?" Lucy asked. She had become far more frustrated by the minute. 

"All evidence leads to this one suspect, but while they're in here, the real suspect is out there." Harper noticed the toll this case was taking on Lucy, and she wished that there was a way to fix it. Well, there was, but that required arresting the right person. 

But, Lucy made it through the day and finally was able to leave work, and not bring it home.  on the way home, the woman picked the cake up from the bakery, and marveled over how amazing it looked. 

After the three adults ate dinner, it was finally time to do the reveal. Lucy, Tim, and Tamara sat on the couch, the cake displayed in front of them on the coffee table. Lucy and Tim had champagne flutes, and Tamara donned a camera. 

"I think it is a boy." Lucy said with a smile on her face. 

"I am thinking girl, but a healthy baby and mother is most important." The two smiled and kissed. 

"T, what about you?" Tim asked. 

"I think girl. I'm used to girls at this point."

"Let's see what we're having!" the couple grabbed their glasses, and put them on the top of the cake, closing their eyes as they pushed down. They both slowly lifted their glasses, and opned their eyes. 

"I can't believe this!" Tim happily said, breaking the sweet silence. He kissed Lucy again, all while Tamara captured one of the greatest moments of their life. 

The next day, Tim and Lucy were beaming walking into work. Nyla and Angela noticed it first, heading to see the two. 

"What's got you guys so happy on a work day," Nyla asked. The couple looked at each other and smiled.

"We found out what we're having. Last night, just the two of us." The two detectives grinned, especially because they were beyond happy for them, but also wanted to know if they were having a nephew or another niece. 

"We are hoping to tell everyone tonight. Are you and the husbands available later?" Tim asked. 

"We will make ourselves available." Angela said. 

Later that day, the couple had extended the invitation to Wade and Luna, who happily obliged. So, after shift, they all headed over to the Bradford residence. 

"So, we wanted to find out the sex of our second baby the three of us, Tim, Tamara and I. But, we didn't want to leave the rest of our family out, so we thought of doing a little reveal for all of you." Lucy said, holding smoke bomb. Tim also had one in his hand, and his other hand around his wife's waist. Everyone had moved to the backyard, and was anxiously awaiting the big news.

"Ready?" Tim turned to Lucy. She nodded her head, ad they two pulled the pins out at the same time. After a few seconds, blue smoke surrounded everyone. 

They got their sweet little boy.

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