Part 25

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Let's continue where we left off, shall we...

"What's wrong?" He asked, wanting every detail. As soon as the doctor

"When you look at a fetus in early gestation, there is a flicker in the middle. You saw it with your first. I am not seeing one with this pregnancy. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Since you were early on in the pregnancy, it should expel on its own. Again, my sincere condolences," Tim thanked the doctor, and continued to hold his crying fiance. 

"Hey, baby, you are strong, and we'll get through this. I love you," Lucy looked at him, but through watering eyes. 

"We were going to have a baby, and now we're not" Lucy said, her voice soft and pained.

"I know, and we'll always remember this pregnancy. If you want to, we can try again," Lucy didn't want to say no. 

"I know it's too early. Let's get through this and maybe talk about it another time,"Tim added. He didn't want to rush her grieving process. 

Later that day, the two arrived back home, and Lucy just went upstairs. The doctor had checked in once more before they left the office, and gave Lucy two pills. Just as a reassurance.

"I'm just going to lay down, I need time," Tim nodded, swinging her legs onto the bed, and pulling the comforter over her body. As soon as he kissed her, he closed the door behind her and walked back downstairs. 

Tamara wasn't home, in fact, no one was. So, he cleaned the house and made a meal, in hopes of making Lucy's day and week easier. Once she was ready to come downstairs, the food was prepared and the table was set. Tamara had just gotten home and put the girls down for the night.

"The babies are all set, and we should be fine for the night," T said as she descended down the stairs. But, when she said that, Lucy began to cry. 

"Did I say something?" She asked, hoping she wasn't the cause for her friend's crying.

"We had an unfortunate doctors' appointment today. She lost the baby," T had no idea what to say. She just walked over and comforted the crying cop, hoping she would be okay.

"I'm so sorry, Luce. I'm here for you," Lucy hugged her back and soon after, there were no more tears left to cry.

Over the next few weeks, Lucy was getting better. She was no longer pregnant, and could feel the emptiness. But, she and Tim had talked and decided to wait a month or two to try again. With miscarriages, they increase the risk of not carrying a following pregnancy to term. She was afraid of that, but nevertheless, they would try.

The day had been pretty slow, especially for the detectives. The cases they worked on were closed and nothing new had come up. But for Lucy, she had spent most of her time studying for the Sergeants exam. Tim had been helping her study and the woman felt solid on most of it. 

A week later, Lucy sat in the bullpen waiting to be called in for the test. Grey finally called her name and sat her in the room she had spent most of her career in. She must admit, roll call was something she missed most.

Once the exam was finished, Grey took the booklets and their results would be in in a few weeks. Lucy had decided to head home, and once she walked into the mudroom and over to the chalkboard, she changed the countdown to 63 days. The wedding was only 9 weeks away. 

There were only a few final details that the couple had to cement, but everything else was all set. As for the honeymoon, well, Lucy still had no idea of the surprise that Tim had planned. 

About two and a half weeks later (six and half weeks after miscarriage), the test scores had finally been released, and Grey was happy to announce them. Lucy had scored a 90, giving her the long-awaited title of Sergeant Lucy Chen. 

The detectives were beyond excited for their friend. Nyla and Angela wanted to take Lucy out to celebrate her accomplishment, to which Lucy happily obliged. 

"Where do you want to go?" Nyla asked, getting into the drivers' seat. 

"Well, I think a bar sounds great. Any bar," Lucy was both an excited and nervous wreck. She and Tim had just begun trying for a baby again, and she didn't want to mess anything up. So, she brought a pregnancy test with her. Knowing it was going to be a negative, she took it anyway, just as a precaution. 

But, in the bathroom of the bar, she was surprised to see a positive test. Frankly, she didn't believe it. But, she chose to be careful anyway and not drink any alcohol. 

"Are you alright, Luce?" Angela asked.

"Yeah, it's just that Tim and I started trying for a baby and I don't want to chance anything. I also took a test when I went to the restroom, and it was positive. I have no idea what to do," She was beginning to panic. 

"Wait, what?" Nyla was excited. She new the pain that Lucy went through when she miscarried, so this was a surprise. 

"Yep. But, with a history of miscarriages... even one miscarriage, I have an increased risk of not carrying to term. That's why I'm scared," 

"Well, let's get out of here and go somewhere more baby-growing friendly. How about the smoothie place down the street. You like their stuff, right?" Angela said. 

"I think that is a wonderful idea. Thank you, both. Especially for having my back no matter what. I really appreciate it," 

The three celebrated, and after a few hours out, called it a night. The friendships that the women created were the best they'd ever had. 

At the end of the week, Lucy changed the chalkboard once again, but this time it was to write 14 days until the wedding. All plans were finalized and she was ready to become a married woman. Someone's wife. 

Tim walked into the door, and put the bags her had carried in from the car by the door. He kissed his fiance, and made his way into the house. Harper was playing in her play pen the two had set up in the living room not too long ago. She was good at self-entertaining. Tamara had come downstairs from bathing and putting Collyns down for the night. 

"So, we have to finalize the honeymoon plans, and make sure that the bank is not going to flag anything," Lucy blurted out, causing Tim to look at Tamara. 

"I can do that tomorrow on my lunch break. You don't have to worry about it," Lucy nodded and hugged him. 

After hanging out for a while, the three decided to turn in for the night, all heading upstairs and to their rooms. The couple crawled under their bedspread, and turned out the lights. Lucy could only think about the fact that she was to marry the love of her life in fourteen days. The longest fourteen days of her life. 

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