Part 7

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Three months later...

Lucy and her rookie seemed to have a great blossoming relationship, which resembled the one between Jackson and Angela. But, despite the successful patrol shifts, Lucy had seemed off lately.

Tim was not one to let something go unnoticed. He learned that when Lucy was upset or just quiet about anything, she was trying to process it or was drowning in it. This situation was very similar to the way she acted after she was abducted by Caleb. But she also seemed a bit different in a sense.

After coming home from a shift about six weeks before, Lucy had begun acting off right then and there. Tim and Tamara noticed, but never brought it up. So, as the three were watching a movie that was less than interesting, which all of then harbored the same opinion, Tim saw and opening.

"Hey, Luce, you okay?"

"I-uh... yeah why?" Tim was not convinced, whatsoever.

"I know you are lying. I want you to be able to talk to me about anything,"

"I promise you, I really am fine. I'm going to use the bathroom," Lucy wanted nothing but to get out of talking about what was bothering her. So, she got up and headed just where she mentioned. 

Tim and Tamara noticed that she had been gone for a while longer than expected, but didn't want to bother her. What they didn't know is that Lucy was sitting on the edge of the bathtub holding a positive pregnancy test. It was the fifth one that she had taken in a matter of five weeks. 

Lucy didn't know what to think, she just knew that this was not the right time to be pregnant and bring a child into this world. But, deep down she also knew that this was the perfect time. Lucy couldn't feel anything but stress and anxiety and happiness. 

A few minutes later, she took the test and stuck it in her basket in the bathroom cabinet. The only person that goes in there is herself, so there was no worry of anyone else seeing it. 

"Hey, you were gone a while. You feeling okay?" T asked, genuinely worried.

"I am, promise." She took her seat next to Tim and cuddled up against him. Lucy understood that at some point she as going to have to tell the other two, and Grey. But, now was not that time.

The next day, the couple didn't ride in together, which was rare. Lucy had an appointment that morning. As she was seated in the waiting room, her eyes darted between all of the expectant mothers. Their ages, who was with them, and even the mothers bringing their children in for appointments. After about 20 minutes of waiting, her name was called and she walked back with a nurse.

"Alright, Ms. Chen, we will just be doing bloodwork today," Lucy nodded, and went through all of the required verbal answers, and soon came the blood draw. 

"Um, how long will the results take?" the nurse looked at the vials of blood and back to Lucy. 

"They should be in your patient portal in about two to three days, but one of the lab techs will also call to go over information. They do that with every patient," Lucy nodded, thanked the nurse and headed to work. 

Later on patrol, Lucy's head was in the clouds. Ella was unsuccessful at getting her to focus from time to time. But, nevertheless, the work was still done.

Towards the end of shift, Nyla and Angela were still at the station, and once Lucy spotted them, she walked over to talk. 

"Hey, I was wondering if you could give me advice on something? Both of you," The two detectives shook their heads, and gave Lucy their attention. 

"Not here," Luce pulled them aside in Tim's office, which was vacant. 

"What's going on with you lately? You've been acting extremely weird." Nyla asked, which Angela nodded to in agreement.

"Well, first, Tim has been asking me the same thing, but I don't know what to tell him,"

"What do you mean?" Angela inquired. 

"Well, let me ask you both this: how did you tell Wesley and James that you were pregnant?" The two detectives gave Lucy wide-eyed looks and smiled. 

"Are you serious?"

"Well, considering that I have had five positive tests in the last five weeks; one being last night? Yes. I am just waiting on my bloodwork to confirm. I should have it by the end of the week." The three hugged and congratulated her. 

"Well, how I told James was just by flat out saying it," Nyla added.

"When I was pregnant with Jack, Wesley found my pregnancy test, and brought it up. So, really no telling there. But, with this one, I accidentally put an OB appointment into the shared calendar instead of my personal one." Lucy and Nyla chuckled. 

"I would say, just tell him, or surprise him with a onesie." Lucy agreed and thanked the two. She loved having the support she did from her work family. She really needed it.

A few days later she finally got the call about her results. Lucy was in fact pregnant. She was stressed and over the moon. Now, she needed to tell Tim. But how? So, she went out and bought a onesie, a photo album and a cute pair of combat boots. Those boots looked like the ones that she used to buy to torment Tim with when he began his job at Metro.

Laying them on their bed, Lucy placed the five tests, with the date each one was taken written on the handle, and placed them around the onesie. She waited for Tim to arrive, and he even did with Tamara. 

"Hey, you two. I have a surprise for you both," Lucy was happier than she had appeared for the last six weeks. 

"Ooh, I'm both excited and intrigued," Tamara said. 

"Come with me," Lucy led the two into their bedroom, and watched their reactions to the display on the bed. 

"Are you serious?" Tim was grinning ear-to-ear. He grabbed Lucy and spun her around, kissing her as he placed her back on flat ground.

"I am so happy for you guys!" T added, which she was then pulled into a group hug. 

"I love our family, Lucy," Tim said in a low voice.

"I love it, too, baby," Lucy smiled and felt the best she had felt in weeks.

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