Part 16

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The next morning, Lucy woke up before Tim and watched him sleep on the small pull-out couch. As soon as Tim came to, not long after she did, she called the nurses making their rounds. 

"We want you to try and walk around. Tim, you can hold on to her left arm, and I'll grab her right." Tim and the nurse helped to get Lucy into a standing position, and she took a few steps towards the door. 

"You are doing great, baby," Tim kissed the side of her head and hugged her for a moment. 

"I just want to walk to see our daughter. I hate not having her with us in this room," 

"I know, honey, but it is for her own good. She is thriving in the NICU. She'll be with us in no time," After Tim said that, Lucy looked at him and nodded her head. 

"We are actually going to bring you to Harper, and you can feed her what you've expressed." The nurse mentioned.

"I can feed her?" Lucy asked, a smile forming on her face.

"She has been eating phenomenally and has gained back about 1.5 ounces."

"That's amazing! Am I allowed to also be in there?" Tim asked. He knew that there were rules of the NICU, and he didn't want to break them.

"Absolutely. You and Lucy will both be gowned up, and at some point, you can both do skin-to-skin with her. It helps with her vitals," The new parents were excited and wanted more than anything to have their daughter with them.

About an hour later, Tim and the nurse wheeled Lucy to the NICU, and the three gowed up to enter the unit. Walking over to the bed, they saw their beautiful little girl and the machines aiding in her growth.

Lucy shed a few tears looking at Harper with tubes and wires coming out of various sites in her body.

"If you would like, go ahead and bottle feed her. The amount she eats is already in the bottle," Lucy nodded.

"I'm going to hand her to you and just be careful of the wires and tubes. Don't be afraid to touch her. She won't break," the couple laughed, and Lucy began to feed the little one.

"She is a fighter, Luce. She's just like her Mama," Tim mentioned in his fiancé's ear. She looked his way and kissed him passionately.

A little while later, Tim was allowed to do skin-to-skin contact with Harper. He described it as being in heaven. Lucy agreed and had her turn a bit later. Soon, the nurses had to take Lucy back to her recovery room, and she hated leaving her daughter.

Two days later, the couple was able to leave the hospital, but Harper was still in the NICU. Lucy visited every day, mainly for feedings, and to keep her company until she could come home. When Tim went back to work the week after Garoer was born, he would come to the hospital and take turns with Lucy so she could go and sleep at home.

After getting home one night, she decided to spend quality time with T, as she had been busy with the baby every day. The two went and had a dinner date and talked about Harper for a bit, and then turned the subject to school. Tamara was doing exceptionally well and was about to graduate in a couple of weeks.

Lucy had promised that she and Tim would be there to see her graduate, and she intended to keep that promise. They just hoped that Harper would be out of the NICU as well. No one expected the baby to be early.

The next day, Lucy took T to the NICU to visit Harper, and she was able to hold her.

"How does it feel, T?" Lucy asked. Tamara smiled and busy the best look on her face, Lucy knew something was up.

"I love this feeling," She answered.

"What's on your mind? Because something is and you're trying to avoid it. I know you too well, kid,"

"Well, I've known for a while, but about a month after I told you about the assault I got a positive pregnancy test. I'm pregnant, Lucy. I don't know what to do or what I want to come of this. I need your help, and Tim's." The cop wasn't expecting that, but deep down, she knew it was a possibility.

"Ohh. Well, I can't tell you what to do. It's your body. Of course, we will help and support you, but you make the decisions. I can't force you to do anything,"

"I think I want to look into adoption. I might even change my mind later on," Lucy nodded and hugged her. 

"It's your choice, and I am here no matter what," T thanked her, and just sat with Harper, making her think that she really should keep her baby. But, that was a decision for another time. 

About four weeks later, Harper was finally allowed to come home. Tim had left work early to meet his fiancé at the hospital. Lucy hadn't told him about Tamara yet. She wanted to make sure T was the one to tell him when she was ready. 

The two walked out of the hospial with their little girl in her carrier and the cutest going home outfit. Strapping her in the car, the two checked about ten times to make sure Harper was really secure. 

"Can we stop at the station? I asked Harper and Lopez if they were there, and they both said yes,"

"Of course, Luce," Tim said and smiled. The two soon pulled into the station parking lot and grabbed the baby before heading to the front doors. As the two walked up the stairs, they were met with congratulations from all of their co-workers, whether they worked with them directly or not. 

"Hey, lady!" Lopez said as Lucy joined her.

"We have something to show you," Tim walked over to Lucy's side and put the carrier down on the floor.

"She's out of the NICU!" Angela was beyond excited for the new parents. Nyla walked over on her way back from the bathroom. She noticed and hugged the engaged couple.

"You guys want to hold her?" The two eagerly nodded their heads, and Harper was passed around. After a bit, Grey came over and stole the baby, followed by Luna, who had visited her husband for lunch.

"She is beautiful, you two. Just beautiful," Wade said was he looked at the baby sleeping soundly in his arms.

"Thank you, Sarge," The couple stayed a little while longer, enjoying the time spent with their work family.

But, bringing their daughter into the home she was going to be raised in was monumental for Lucy and Tim. As they watched her sleeping in the bassinet, the two wished that time would be frozen.

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