Part 21

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Two months later, Tamara was finally prepared for almost anything. She had just reached the 38 week mark in her pregnancy, and was increasingly anxious for the arrival of her daughter. 

She had already had a couple of false alarms, and Braxton Hicks was common appearance. She had remembered the times that Lucy would get those false labor signs twice in a week, sending her to the hospital. 

"Hey, I have to head out but call if you need anything. Grey will let me leave early," T nodded as Lucy walked out. 

"Same with me," Tim added. 

"Thank you both," As her roommates walked out for work, Tamara was left to find something to do. She had become increasingly uncomfortable the last few weeks, especially walking around, sleeping (or at least attempting), and just about everything else.

But, a little while later she decided to go to the store and pick out the last few things she needed to complete the nursery. Even though her daughter wouldn't be in there for a few months after birth, Tamara wanted to make it perfect for that first time she would sleep in her crib.

From her baby shower, she had received great gifts and some of them helped to put the nursery into the stage of adding finishing touches. Clothes and blankets were some of the commonalities in the gifts, and she was thankful for that. Some were ones that she saw when shopping with Lucy.

While at the store, she found some stuffed animals that went along with the nature theme, and matched the mural he created perfectly. She even found a little fake plant that looked like a birch tree. After grabbing it all, she began the journey home, finishing everything she had yet to. 

But, while she was distracted by the baby items and the drive home, she couldn't take her mind off of the aching pain in her back and stomach. She knew from her readings and Lucy's stories what that meant. 

Tamara didn't want to call Lucy or Tim because they had only left a few hours prior. So, the young woman brushed it off. 

At work, Lucy was investigating yet another case, but worried about T nonstop. She had the same fear when she was nearing the end of her pregnancy with Harper. So, she called her. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, just uncomfortable like always,"

"That's good. Do you need me to come home early, or just to check on you?"

"No, I'm alright, I promise. You have a case to investigate. Don't worry about me." 

"Okay, I'll see you when I get home," The two ended the call, and Lucy felt a bit better but still worried. Well, more stressed than anything.

"How is she?" Angela asked, knowing that Lucy was concerned. 

"Tamara says that she is fine. Just uncomfortable. I believe it, but not completely,"

"Well, see if Sarge will let you out early," Lucy decided not to fester, and stayed at work for a while longer. 

After a couple of long hours, at least for Tamara, she decided to take a warm bath. Maybe to some degree, this would stop the pain in her back, but deep down she knew it wouldn't. So, she decided to walk through the neighborhood to help speed things along. Tamara knew it was labor, but wanted to deny it.

After Tim and Lucy finally arrived home, Tamara was upstairs in her bathroom taking a cold bath this time. Nothing seemed to help. Soon, there was a knock on the door, and in walked Lucy. 

"Hey, you alright?" The cop asked. 

"No, but I will be," She looked down and winced as a sharp pain ripped through her back. Of course Lucy noticed, but she didn't want to pester the young woman. 

"Yell if you need anything from downstairs," T thanked her, and walked to the kitchen where she joined her fiance.

"How's Tamara?" 

"Well, she is saying that she is fine, but I think she's in labor. She's ignoring, and denying it, which I did for a bit when I was in labor with Harper. She is scared, and doesn't want us to see it,"

"I know," He kissed her head, and began to prepare dinner.

After a while, Tamara came down and sat on a barstool in at the kitchen island. She was pale, but also turning bright red. Her pain level was reaching a high number, but she didn't want to think about it. 

"What's for dinner?" She asked, partly through gritted teeth. 

"Grilled chicken and salad. Would you like me to make something else?" Tim asked. 

"Oh, no, that sounds great," She smiled. 

Soon, dinner was prepared and the three ate in silence. But, the pain was still there, becoming worse by the hour. At this point, Lucy and Tim had talked to T, and just offered their support. She didn't want to head to the hospital yet. 

"It hurts," Tamara groaned when another pain hit her. 

"It'll be over in a minute," When it was over, she began to cry. 

"I can't do this anymore; I've been in pain all day. How did you do this?" She pleaded. 

"Well, I breathed through it all, and I had the best family helping me through it. I am not leaving your side, unless you want me to," 

"Thank you, but... please don't leave. I can't do this by myself," Lucy looked at her, and took her hand. 

"Your contractions are about four minutes apart. What do you want to do?" Lucy asked.

"I want to stay here for a while. Until I really need to go in," 

"Okay. Tell me when we need to go," Tamara nodded as another contraction hit her. 

About an hour later, Tamara called it and the three headed to the hospital. When she was taken to a room and the medical staff began their checks, she was already five centimeters. 

"I'll come and check back in an hour. Hang tight," 

"How's the pain?" Tim asked, his hand being squeezed.

"Like an 8 or 9. Holy shit this hurts," Tamara replied through gritted teeth. 

"Do you want an epidural? you can still get one," Lucy questioned.

"No, I don't like the idea of a needle going in my back, or being numb. I've been too numb before, I don't want to do it again," The two nodded and just sat beside her. 

A little while later, the doctor came in to do his rounds, and Tamara hadn't progressed. But, he wasn't too worried. Then, she decided to have Lucy walk with her up and down the hall to move things along.

"Just a few more laps," T said as she had completed her 10th in the hallway. Lucy nodded and continued holding her hand.

"So, have you picked out a name yet?" The cop was merely curious.

"I have, but I need to make sure it fits her. I have another one if it doesn't,"

"What about boys names?"

"I have a few in mind. Maybe I will have a relationship that is stable and loving. Maybe he, or she, will come from that, and not what she came from. I would never wish that on a child. But, she has me and you and Tim, and everyone else." 

Finally, about eight hours later, Tamara had delivered her beautiful baby girl with Lucy by her side. Two hours of pushing rewarded her with a healthy 6lb 14oz daughter, who was given a meaningful name. Her first cry was the sweetest sound the new mother had heard. She had just brought a new life into this world.

"So, what should we call her, Tamara?" Tim asked. The three adults were in the recovery room, as Lucy held the baby. 

"Meet Collyns Maeve Bradford. I think it fits her better than the others I'd thought of," 

"It's beautiful, T. And, so is she," The three sat in beautiful silence, all in awe over the perfect little life that was brought into theirs.

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