Part 23

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Today was the day. It was three weeks later, and Harper's first birthday was here. Her party wasn't until the next day, but Lucy and Tim decided to do a little celebration with close friends and their intimate family before the party the next day. 

It was nothing too big, just a small get together for those who couldn't make it for the party. Some of Lucy's friends went, and Genny brought Tyler and her other son. Genny planned on making it to the party the next day, but the boys were to spend the weekend with their father.

"Thank you all for joining us. We have food and cake for later, so no one leaves hungry," Tamara said. Lucy agreed and grabbed her hand. 

"Where do we put the gifts?" One of Lucy's old friends asked. 

"Right under the table is great. Thank you," They nodded and Tim walked them over. 

Soon after most of the people arrived, Harper woke up to join her small party. Lucy dressed her in a beautiful little romper with flutter sleeves, sandals and a flower crown. She was the cutest thing anyone had seen. This was also her outfit for the next day, but Lucy thought people would want to see it. 

"May I cut in?" Tim laughed as her approached his soon-to-be wife and daughter.

"I suppose," She chuckled. Tim grabbed Harper and danced around with her. Holding her little hand, she grinned with the biggest smile she'd ever shown.

After all of the festivities were over, everyone parted ways and left when they needed to. Lucy and Tim were exhausted and knew they had to do it all again tomorrow. But, they were over the moon happy. They kept their daughter alive for a year. A milestone, if you will. 

As the sun set, Tamara helped to get everything in order for the next day. She would take time to nurse Collyns and then get back to helping. Lucy and Tim definitely could not have done it without her. 

As the next morning rolled around, Lucy woke up to the sun shining in her window. The cop turned over, and felt the heavy arm gripping her. Tim was sound asleep next to her, their bodies keeping each other warm. Then, the alarm clock stared her down, showing the current time of 9:17. She had accidentally slept in. 

"Babe, wake up. We slept too late. The party is in less than three hours," Lucy wasn't scrambling, but she was nervous about the time. 

"Im up, I'm up," Tim called after her, as the bathroom door shut. 

"I'll get Harper up once I take a shower. Can you check on T and Collyns?" Tim replied with a simple and polite yes, and walked out of the room. 

Checking the baby monitor, Harper was still very much out. But, he couldn't find Tamara. Heading down the stairs he notices a figure in the living room. Tamara had grabbed her baby wrap and was walking around with Collyns. 

"Good morning, T," Tim said as he stepped foot into the living room. He met up with her and gave her a sweet and endearing kiss on the forehead. 

"Morning, Tim," She was bouncing and pacing at the same time. 

"She wouldn't stop crying  a few hours ago, so I tried the wrap and I guess these things are magic. It made her calm quicker than I have ever seen," He smiled and continued towards the kitchen. 

After some time, Lucy came downstairs with Harper in her arms, and joined T in the living room. She was wearing a flowing dress with sandals and had dressed her daughter in a different outfit from the one she wore the night before. That was to be saved for the upcoming festivities. 

Soon after everything was set up and complete, everyone began to arrive. Presents were beginning to pile up, and the food was becoming less and less. The guests were all having a good time. 

Nyla, Angela, Wesley and James, along with the kids, were the first few people to show up. Lucy had been pining to tell Nyla and Angela something, but was unsure of her chances at the party. 

But, she was able to pull them aside. "I need to talk to you both."

"You alright? Did something happen?" Angela asked.

"I haven't told Tim, but I think I'm pregnant again," The two smiled and hugged her. 

"Have you tested?" Lucy shook her head no. 

"I never have time. But, I think I might do it with Tim,"The two women were excited for their friends. The best parents to Harper and a possible new little trainee on the way. 

"I just don't think I should get my hopes up. We've been trying for six months and no positive tests. He's been crushed the last few times," 

"Well, whenever or however you tell him or have him next to you, it will be perfect," 

After their conversation, Lucy went over to the countdown on their whiteboard, and changed the days to one less than what was written. This was the Wedding Day countdown. 91 days until she was to marry the love of her life. 13 weeks, if you wanted to know.

"I can't believe we are getting married," She whispered to Tim as she stood next to him. He was still holding Harper; she had fallen asleep over his shoulder.

"I can't either," He paused. and then continued, "Only 91 days, and I can officially call you my wife," He smiled and kissed her. Then, Lucy began to speak.

"I've had something on my mind for a couple of days," Tim looked over at her. 

"Something bad, or something good?" He was a bit concerned, but when she told him, his demeanor changed. 

"You're pregnant?" He asked, smiling. 

"I don't know... yet. I haven't had the time to take a test, and I want you to be there with me when I do," He grinned from ear to ear.

"I will be there, I promise. Do you want to take one tonight, or in the morning?" She nodded. 

"Tonight," She simply said, and they shared a kiss once more.  

When everyone was done with food and mingling, the parents took Harper, who had been asleep, and sat her in her high chair for the smash cake. Tamara grabbed the cake and cupcakes from the fridge and set them on the counter to be prepared. 

The three adults ended up going with the theme of Isn't She Lovely, and creating the banner that says "Isn't She ONEderful". It was hung across the trim of the window where the high chair sits.

Tamara added one little candle into the cake, which was vanilla with light pink and white frosting, and gold dust. After lighting the candle, she brought it over to Harper and put it on the tray in front of her. She smiled, and tried to grab the candle, but Tim blocked her. 

The crowd began singing to her, and the couple blew out the candle, followed by Harper trying to figure out what to do.

"Harp, do this," Lucy tried to show her what to do. So did Tim, but it was to no prevail.

"She may need more coercing, babe," Tim said, and chuckled. Lucy took Harper's had and pushed it into the cake. She soon caught on and everyone laughed. 

"Maybe the next one will just sink their hand right in," The two laughed and watched as their first born daughter began destroying her cake.

Once everyone had left, Tim and Lucy bathed Harper and put her down for the night. Tamara was nursing Collyns and getting her ready for the night. She still wasn't sleeping through the night, but was somewhat close to it. 

"Wanna do the thing now?" Lucy asked her fiance. He nodded happily, and she grabbed a test, walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. About three minutes later she came out of the bathroom, and had the test in one hand and her phone in the other. Her timer still had two minutes left. 

"This is the longest two minutes of my life. It didn't feel this slow when I took the test that told me I was pregnant with Harper," Tim hugged her from behind and just held on to her. They were both worried that it would be another negative. When the timer went off, the mother took a shaky breath and looked at the test. Then Tim looked at it. Well, he stared at it.

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