Part 33

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(This part is the last one before the two-part epilogue!)

Six months later...

Tamara had been waiting for this day. She was finally going to graduate from college. 

The commencement ceremony was a few hours away, and the whole Bradford family was beyond excited.

While T was getting ready, Hunter had gone out and bought her flowers, and a beautiful diamond necklace. They'd been dating for a little less than a year, and were the happiest couple. He also had another surprise planned for the next month.

Lucy and Tim, while also getting ready, had to get the kids dressed for the ceremony. They wanted all of the stress to be off of Tamara. And besides, they loved those babies. 

Tamara asked Lucy to do her hair, which ended up being styled in a braided bun. Her dress was white with embroidered florals, and a nice pair of block heels. Soon after she was ready, Hunter arrived back at the house.

"Baby, you look amazing!" Tamara smiled at the sound of his voice, and the compliment. 

"Thank you." She smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

"I have something for you..." He grabbed the box with the necklace in it. She closed her eyes out of habit, and felt the box when he placed it in her open palms. 

"What's this?" T looked at the box and back to Hunter, who was smirking. 

"Open it." He said, and as she did, her eyes went wide. 

"This is beautiful, Hunter! Thank you so much!" She lifted the necklace out of the box, and Hunter took it from her. 

"Turn around, T." She turned, and he put the necklace around her neck. Turning back, she looked in the mirror. Tamara loved it.

"This is amazing, thank you!"

"Your welcome, baby."

A couple of hours flew by, and the whole Bradford clan arrived that the university. The day was warm and sunny, which meant an outdoor graduation. Luckily, the whole audience there for T was able to find seating together. All of the station family, and both Lucy and Tim's close relatives came.

As the ceremony began, the Dean, President, and one student recited their speeches, which was then followed by the first college's commencement. Soon after, it was almost Tamara's turn, as she patiently waited for the few graduating students ahead of her. 

Her name was called, and the excitement flooded her body. She'd worked so hard to get to this place, and she accomplished more than she knew she could. As she began walking, she looked into the audience, locking her eyes on the section of the people she loved waving at her and cheering the loudest they could. 

The President handed her the diploma, and she continued to walk off the stage. She had done it. She'd just graduated college. 

After the ceremony came to an end, the family waited for Tamara to come find them, and as soon as she walked over, Collyns ran to her, jumping into her arms. 

"Hey, baby girl!" T as excited to see her daughter. Hunter came over to her after, hugged her and then planted a kiss on her lips. 

"You are an amazing woman, my love." She smiled at his comment, and blushed a little. 

"Thank you, babe." They kissed once again, and then T made her rounds to say hello to everyone that came to watch her walk across that stage. 

After everyone got to talk, they all made their way to the Bradford house for a grad party. T hadn't ever gotten a grad party, so this was something new and wonderful for her. 

"T can I talk to you for a minute?" Hunter asked, getting a nod of her head as a response. He walked her over to a quiet corner of the house. 

"What's up, honey?" Hunter was smiling, well, smirking is a better description. 

"I have a question for you." Tamara was a bit skeptical, but knew somewhat where this was going. 

"Ok." Hunter leaned in and kissed her cheek, and then whispered the sweetest question. 

"Will you marry me?" Tamara felt the tear well up in her eyes. She nodded her head yes.

"Yes! A million times, yes!" She was happy. She didn't care that there was no ring, and that this was a proposal at home, she just loved that the best guy for her wanted her to be his forever. 

Lucy and Tim knew what was up, and when the newly engaged couple came over to share their news, Tamara could see right through them. 

"You two knew!" She said playfully. The two cops laughed, and nodded their heads. 

"Well, Hunter asked us the other day, and we couldn't say no. We see how he makes you feel, and vice versa. He also treats Collyns like his own, and that's all we have ever wanted for you. Especially with all you have been through." Tim took the words right out of his wife's mouth. 

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Lucy smiled and pulled T into a hug. 

"I'm so happy for you, T." Lucy said as she broke the hug. 

"Thank you, Luce."

A month later, Lucy went into labor. She had opted for a home birth this time, and there were no complications, contrary to her birth experience with Harper. TJ's birth wasn't nearly as traumatic, but somewhere in her mind, it still scared her. In the late hours of the afternoon, Lucy had welcomed another baby girl into the world. 

"She's beautiful, Luce." Tamara said after she was handed the baby. Lucy smiled, and thanked her. 

"Have you guys named her yet?" 

"Well, we'd thought of a few but wanted to meet her first." Tim said. 

"This little one's name is Sawyer Tamara Bradford." It took a few seconds for Tamara to realize that this little girl was named after her, but when it hit her, she began to cry. 

"Oh, guys, its perfect!" Tamara said, more tears falling.

"It suits her. She's named after one of the best people we know." Tim added, pulling two of his girls in for a hug. 

"Thank you, both, this means the world." The newest addition was passed around and held by the ones closest to her. A few days later, she was finally introduced to the rest of the family, and it couldn't have been any more perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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