Part 10

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As the sun rose, Tim had gotten out of bed and went to the kitchen. Tamara and Lucy were both still sound asleep. So, per his choice to be a gentleman, he began to prepare breakfast.

"Hey, what are you up to?" A voice asked him, and he looked to see T standing by the bar stools of the island.

"I thought you ladies might want breakfast, so I am making breakfast," 

"Thank you, Tim. Is Lucy up yet?" 

"Not yet. She should be soon," T nodded and walked to her bathroom to get ready.

Lucy woke a little while later to the smell of bacon and eggs. Even a faint scent of burnt toast, which she chukcled at. 

"Hey, baby," Tim said as she walked over to where he was in the pantry. 

"Good morning," Lucy was still not completely awake.

"I made eggs, bacon and attempted toast, but seeing as the house smells like smoke you coould have already guessed that," Lucy smiled. 

"Well, I'll have you know that this baby wants everything you made, so thank you for this." Tim placed at plate in front of his fiance and sat next to her.

It had been about a month since Lucy was at the hospital, and had no futher bleeding. That concept took some stress off of the expectant mother. But, deep down, she was still constantly worried about every little thing. 

Lucy was now about 14 weeks and began to show, but not enough where coworkers and other people could notice. She was still able to fit her vest on, to her relief.

"I have to get ready for work, and thank you for the amazing food. This little creature is highly satisfied," Lucy kissed Tim after he uttered a sweet 'your welcome, baby' and then he proceeded to kiss her stomach. Once he lifeted his lips from that very spot, he watched her walk to their bedroom. 

After the couple had made it to work, Lucy and her rookie had gone on patrol. Before they left, Lucy had decided to sign up for the detective's exam, which was in a few weeks.

As stressed and anxious as she had been for months, she and Thorpe got a call for a tender age missing person. Lucy parked the shop and the two exited the vehicle. Walking up to the house of the child, many things were going through Lucy's head. 

"Mr and Mrs. Vega, I am Officer Chen and this is Officer Thorpe. We are here to talk about your daughter Sadie. May we come in?" The older couple allowed their entry and guided them to the family room right after the entryway.

"I just want to mention that we are working as hard and as fast as we can to bring your daughter home. I just need you to answer a few questions if you can." They nodded and Lucy continued.

"When was the last time you heard from or saw Sadie?"

"I talked to her yesterday; we texted while she was at school. She had a question about an upcoming class field trip." The mother replied. 

"And, what about you, sir?" 

"I said goodbye to her before she left for school yesterday morning. Now that I have a new job, I am usually home in the morning, and I can see my kids before they leave,"

"Okay. Do you have any idea if anyone was following her, or did she mention anyone acting suspicious?" The two shook their heads. 

"Is there anywhere she could have gone, like a place she goes with friends or somewhere quiet that she enjoys?" Thorpe asked.

"She loved to read, and there was a treehouse in the yard of our old property. I remember a few years ago, she got so mad that we were moving she threatened to live in the treehouse and never come with us." Mr. Vega said.

"What is the address of your old property? We can check that out first, and see if we find anything." The wife gave the address, and the officers said their thanks before heading back to the shop. 

"Let's call in the detectives. We may need them later," Thorpe nodded and the two headed to the address. 

While that spree had gotten them nowhere, shift was almost over and so was patrol. Tim and Lucy met up before heading home, and chose to head out for dinner. The two chose a small ramen place near their house. As the two sat at the table, Lucy felt a bit off for a while. 

"You ok? Your whole attitude changed," Tim asked, being the concerned one he is. 

"I don't know. I don't think its a bad thing; there's this flutter in my stomach. Give me your hand, baby." Lucy placed his hand on her stomach, and his eyes lit up. 

"That's our little baby, Luce," Lucy smiled. She was worried for no reason. Their baby was making their presence known. 

"Wow, that's crazy." The two laugh, and head home once they were ready. As they pulled into their driveway, Lucy noticed that their Christmas tree was decorated.

Tamara was rooting through boxes in the living room as the couple walked in. When she finally noticed the two, she was standing in piles of ornaments and lights.

"Oh, hey. I though you would be out longer," Tim shook his head.

"What's going on in here?" Lucy asked. 

"I wanted to surprise you, thinking you would be home a bit later. None of us had bought a tree yet, and Christmas is two weeks away. How do you think that makes us look?" T asked. She chuckled as she said the last sentence. 

"Well, it is a lovely surprise, thank you." Once the couple put their things away and changed into sweats, they helped the girl finish decorating. After that, the three sat on the couch and Kojo at their feet. 

"He or she is moving again," Lucy said and brought Tim's hand to her stomach once more. 

"I still can't believe that," 

"What's happening?" Tamara wondered.

"The baby started moving today. Not kicking, it feels more like a flutter," Lucy grabbed T's hand and placed it next to Tim's. Her face lit up, and the three stayed like that for a while longer, enjoying the life growing insode Lucy, and the light of the Christmas tree.

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